Really small problems.

133 10 4

Oh  my, love is a lie

Shit my friends say to get me by.


TW- Use of Alcohol. 

I wake up, Eyes sticky, throat dry and limbs limp. I sleepwalk out of bed and don't ask me because i wouldn't remember, but i somehow put on my uniform, wash my face, comb my hair and walk down the stairs without falling asleep.  

Let's just say It's been hard getting used to being back in school.

"Morning Y/N." Luz says sitting wide awake talking to Guz and Willow on the magic orb,  Eda stands in the kitchen cooking whatever and King suddenly props up onto the table and starts asking Luz to do comedy hour with him. And god. God no, please anything but comedy hour.

If you don't know 'Comedy hour' is when King and Luz spend a whole hour making godawful, terrible and every other word for bad jokes. 

I yawn slowly waking up just in time for an alarm to beep my completely out of my tired haze and into reality.

"School time! See you guys in class." Luz says waving off Guz and willow. 

I grab a piece of toast from the table taking a large bite and walking out still holding it. "Bye, Eda!" I say with a mouthful. "Hey don't forget me!" King says holding onto my leg

"Bye to you to my king." I say swallowing and walking out following after Luz.

"Luz! Do you have to walk so damned fast." I say finishing the piece of toast i had.

"I promised i'd meet Amity outside before class!" She utters

"Ed and Ems sister?"


"She reads Azura right?" 

Luz nods.

I hum in response not bothering to pry any further.


Once we enter the schoolyard we're met with the screeching roars of panicked students running out of the building. "Pixies!" "Pixie infestation!!!" We hear students roar 

"I'm gonna make a wild guess and say school's canceled." 

"You're really bright Y/N."

"I'm heading home, then." Luz says walking away.

"Mkay..." I say almost turning before i spot my favourite pair of siblings, more specifically a deranged looking boy running out with a pixie biting the top of his head and a girl trying to pull it off. "You need any help?"

"No, I've got it." Emira says pulling the thing out of edricks hair it eating a small chunk of his hair then flying off.  "Mittens already went home, we should go to." Edrick leans into Emira whispering something.

Or not exactly whispering it, he's to loud for that. I can clearly hear what he said. 

"We have to get, You know what ready."

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