Escaping expulsion

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And it's hard to be at a party,

when I feel like an open wound.


"Hey, are you awake can you hear me?" They ask putting they're palm to my forehead as they're eyebrows scrunch down into their tan skin hidden beneath glasses, they're light green hair falling down onto they're face. 

I can't get a sound out of my dry throat I can only muster up a small sort of mumble that makes me gag, and I feel sick. I'm sweaty all over and my body feels beaten.

"Okay, you're awake great. Uhm, I'm going to take you somewhere and try to help you!" They rush crouching down and slipping my limp arm over their shoulder and carrying me away. My head spins around as they pull me up and I imminently fall out of consciousnesses, slipping away into the still bliss of not feeling anything. 


When I wake up again I'm laid in a red sofa with a blanket draped over me and an ice pack on my head. And I feel a bit better, my throats still sore and my body still aches, but I can just slightly move. My throat still feels like Katniss must have in the hunger games though, I feel dry in my nauseating thirst.  I raise my body up, the ice pack falls off my forehead and onto my stomach shooting sparks throughout me and I fall back down. 

"Hey, take it easy." A voice says walking over to me. They place the ice pack back onto my head and tap my face with a damp towel. 

"So are you feeling better now?" They ask and I try to answer once again but only a small creek escapes from my mouth.

"I'll get you some water, one second." They say walking away and returning a minute later.

They hand me a large glass of cold water, and sit down on a stool beside me. I sit up again and take a sip, the water burns a bit as it slides down my throat but after taking a few more sips my mouth feels hydrated again. I look up at the mysterious person sitting before me and rub my eyes to get a better view.

They smile at me with a worried yet kind look plastered on their face. "I'm Raine, by the way." They explain.

"Who are you" They then ask a second later, and it feels like such a foreign question because really. Who the hell am I? A nine year old girl getting hit by her father? An orphan? An addict? Or maybe I'm just morbidly unlucky and stupid.

"Are you a human?"  They ask bringing me out of my train of thought.

I pause for a second and think before I answer. 

"No, only half."  I answer with a grain of uncertainty in my voice. 


"Wait, so let me get this straight. You're mom was human, and you dad was a witch?" 


"And now you don't know where they are, so you're living with your aunt?" Raine asks.

"Exactly" I smirk lying through my teeth.

"And you're name is Helen?" 

"Yes, nice to meet you Raine." I smile taking a sip from the mug of tea Raine got me. 

"Nice to meet you to Helen, but mind telling me why I found you in a forest injured and almost dead?" 

I take another long sip trying to quickly come up with a quick fib. 

"I was getting attacked and because I'm only half a witch, my powers are very unstable."

"You're parents never thought you to use them?" They ask raising and eyebrow.

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