Enchanting grom fright.

139 7 10

And you asked me to dance but i said

'Dancing is a dangerous game'


"Where the hell have you been?!" Eda yells at me as i stumble through the door.

"Uhh, Party?" I chuckle in a scared haze.

"Till one in the morning?" She looks angry.

"Yeah..." I mumble

"And you've been drinking." She remarks

"It was an accident." I make a big gesture with my hands to prove the point.

"How do you drink on accident?"  She scowls.

"Peer pressure." I bluff making a not so convincing nod.

Eda sighs. "Okay, kid. We'll talk about this some other time, get to bed and just know that I expected more from you." She says pointing to the door and i feel a familiar feeling i've felt all my life

A shake in the knee, a throb in the head and the guilty feeling of disappointing someone.

"Goodnight, Eda."


I wake up, though i was never fully asleep. And all i feel is a compressive feeling in my head as if someone's trying to crush it, a sickly feeling in my stomach that slowly spreads it's way through every cell of mine and overwhelming tiredness. 

Looking to my clock i see it flashing 6. School starts at 8,  do i have to go to school? God hopefully not.

I get off of my mattress somehow.  Dragging the covers a long with my as i feel every sense in my body has been heightened and i'm terribly cold. I get into the bathroom, strip out of my sweaty pajamas and hop in the shower just to stay there for all eternity.

All eternity being thirty minutes of standing still and staring into my eyelids while boiling water streams down me.

I get out, dry myself, brush my hair and lazily throw a  robe around my self tying it tightly as to make sure it won't come undone. I wash my face one more time for good measure, swallow two  pills and drink a glass of water before i walk out and down the stairs. 

The clock rounds 6:30 when i walk into the kitchen cringing at the morning light, inside sits Eda sprawled out with her feet on the table and sipping peacefully out of her thirty and flirty mug. 

"Morning, party-girl." She smirks from across the room, yet i can't shake the feeling of guilt from my bones.

I sit down. "I'm sorry." I say drowning my face in between my palms. 

"Saying i'm sorry implies you won't do it again." She mumbles taking a sip

Wow, stab in the back. 

"And i won't." I say separating my face from my hands and looking up meeting Eda's gaze. 

"If you say so."  She says in an insincere whisper.

Always. //hunter x reader//Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα