<1.8> What a twist

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Menacing music played through the halls as thr robots escorted Stephen to a chamber, shoving him in before slamming the door shut behind him. There, he was met with several people sat on chairs on a raised platform.

"Stephen Strange." Mordo said as he sat down in the centre seat. "You are now called before the illuminati. I, Baron Kar Mordo, the Sorcerer Supreme, do hereby-"

"Karl?!" Stephen laughed, before a flying object came flying down merely meters in front of him before immediately flying back.

"Captain Carter. The first Avenger, Blackagar Boltagon. Keeper of the Terrigen Mists, the inhuman king-"

"Blackagar Boltagard? Huh. I'm Hidigy hidithere." Stephen mocked, chuckling at his own jokes.

"Captain Marvel, defender of the cosmos." Mordo continued his mini introduction. "Amd finally, the smartest man alive, Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four."

"Hello, Stephen." He greeted.

" 'Fantastic Four' didn't you guys chart in the '60s?"

"I'm sorry, is this a joke to you?" Captain Marvel asked.

"Well, there's a guy over there with a fork on his head, so, yeah, a little bit." Stephen joked.

"Be grateful Black Bolt doesn't engage you in coversation." Captain Carter scolded.

"Why? Does he have bad breath?"

"Thus Strange is even more areogant than ours." Carter stated.

"Nope, just more alive." Stephen countered her.

"For now." Marvel shook her head.

"Stephen, your arrival here confused and destabilizes reality," Reed started, "The larger the footprint you leave behind, the greater the risk of an Incursion."


"An Incursion occurs when the boundary between two universes erodes, and they collide, destroying one, or both entirely."

"Your alternate self created the Illuminati to make difficult decisions that no one else could." Carter said, "Today, we're here to determine what to do with you and the child."

"So, before we vote," Captain Marvel cleared her throat, "if you got anything serious to say, now's the time."

"Yeah I do." Stephen replies, stepping forwards, "If it's Incursions you're worried about, do yiu seriously think I'm a bugger threat than the Scarlet Witch?"

"Oh, we can handle your little witch if she decides to Dreamwalk." Marvel sneered.

"No. No, you cannot. Not unless you give me the Book of Vishanti."

"We appreciate your concern, Stephen, but it's not the Scarlet Witch that we fear." Reed spoke, "From our experience, the greatest danger to the Multiverse, it turns out, is Doctor Strange."

"Wait. Your Doctor Strange? Earth's mightiest hero who died defeating Thanos?"

"You should tell him the truth." A anonymous voice came booming from the corner of the platform.

A old man in a yellow handicapped chair came zooming from behind the rest, stopping right in front of them.

"Our final member, Professer Charles Xavier." Mordo said, bowing his head down as the old man came into the light.

"What truth?" Stephen asked.

"That's not how our Strange died."

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