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My name is Tara Archer. I'm a 23 year old woman who lives in West Virginia. If you're reading this, it means I died. I have come to accept my fate, it is what it is. Believe me, I have tried every possible outcome to change my fate, but sometimes you can't escape your destiny. This is not some paranormal nonsense, it's just people who hated me and did maybe the most clever plan I have ever seen. I'm a detective, and I have tried to crack this case because, I don't want to die. You're gonna be reading my journal, maybe you're gonna crack the case, but it's gonna be too late already. Before you get started, here are some things that you should know about me:

My mom is Charlotte Archer. She is no longer with us anymore but she will be remembered. Just like me, she was a detective, a very known one. My mother was known across the world for her intelligence. She was a brilliant woman, who saved many people. She passed away from lung cancer at a very young age. She left this world when she was 47. My father, William Archer, is a well-known journalist. He is still alive and we have a pretty good relationship. My dad has always been there for me and I'm very grateful to have him. Melissa Archer is my younger sister. We haven't spoken since I left the family house. 

Now that you know about my family, let me introduce you to my friends. Rose is my best friend since third grade. We went  through everything together. She's one of the only people I don't get annoyed of. Now, she's a bartender and she loves it. Not only is she my best friend but she's also my roommate. Rose is a sarcastic, hopeless romantic. Each week, she barges in the house and shouts: "Oh Tara! I'm in love! I finally found the one!". And two days after, she's heartbroken again.

Next we have Johnathan. We used to date back in high school and we stayed friends since then. We don't have feelings for each other anymore, even if Rose thinks we still do. He has a very sweet and passionate side that he doesn't show to everybody. The side that he shows in public is that annoying, smart-ass, "I'm the best" side, which I absolutely hate. But once you get to know him, he's really nice and fun to hang out with. We haven't seen eachother in two months and I miss him deeply.

Finally we have Nathan, he works with me at the station. We're partners in crime. We're a team in every case we do and we always end up solving it. He's a smart and mature guy. Of course, every girl at the station has a crush on him even tho I can't see why.

All together, we form a fun friend group. They are my second family, and I'm going to miss them very much.

(That's it for the intro, I really hope you like it, I have a lot of other things coming that I like a lot! :)

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