Just when I thought it was over

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I sprint outside to get to my car quicker. Once I'm in, I lock the doors and look at the windows. My stomach drops. The freaking white van was on the other side of the road, with the trio inside, looking right into my eyes. I quickly turn on the car and push the acceleration pedal. I look behind me and this time, they're following me. I take random turns to try to make them stop, but visibly, it's going to take a lot more than that. I knew they were stalking me, but how the hell did they know I was going to be at the station at that exact time? It's line they were tracking me of something. That's when it hits me. Recently, we've seen a lot of stalking cases and most of them consist using a tracking device to follow the victime. Most of the time, the stalkers place that tracker under the car. That's how they knew where I was all the time. They probably placed it while I was at work. At this point, I realize I'm just turning in circles. I then decide to take a highway. Even there, they still follow me. How the hell could I get them to leave me alone? Bingo. I start speeding up on the highway and then I create a small accident, by hitting the highway fence. Not big enough to injure myself, but big enough to call the police. Stuck right behind me, the stalkers knew what was really behind this "accident " . I call the police and five minutes later they arrive. An officer comes up to my window and I show him my badge.

-Oh hi detective Archer.
-Hello officer. This accident isn't really an accident, I did it voluntarily.
-Why on earth would you do that?
-The white van behind me is following me. The people inside have been stalking me and threatening me for a few days now. One of them even attacked me.
-Very smart move, detective Archer. I'm gonna get them under arrest now. I will need evidence later tho, you're gonna have to come with me back at the station.
-Of course officer, thank you, I'm finally stress-free.

He smiles at me and calls another team to come on his radio. The team arrives and proceeds to arrest the trio. They all smile at me as they're escorted to the police car. Why would they smile when they have handcuffs around their wrists. Fucking psychopaths. Once we're at the station, I file a report and give the officers the surveillance camera tape recording. I ask Rose to cone at the station with the post-its and because she's the only person to have assisted to one of the threatenings. The officers also check the elevator surveillance camera, where you can clearly see a man attacking me. In the questioning room, the stalkers quickly confessed, since all the proof was there. The officer who was with me assured me that the trio was under arrest and that they would be transferred to the West Virginia Regional Jail soon.

Since my car was already at the garage, Rose brought me back home.

-Thank god this is finally over, she says, letting a sigh of relief.
-Yeah... but doesn't it look a bit too simple to you?
-No, I mean, they scared the living shit out of us, especially you and now they're under arrest. They were just some dumb stalkers, probably on drugs or something.
-Yeah but, doesn't it seem to easy to you? Like...
-Tara, Rose cuts me off, shut your fucking mouth before I do it for you. We are finally free girl, stop overthinking it!

Rose puts some Doja Cat and starts singing along as she turns the volume up. I couldn't stop thinking about how it was just too easy. Or maybe Rose is right, I should just enjoy and finally relax. But something inside me was telling me that this was just the start.

And that something was right.

(Hope you guys are enjoying the story!!! I'm trying my best to make it good and I hope everyone likes it. If you have any ideas or suggestions, I would love to hear them!)

The summer where I diedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora