The morning after

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After the incident, Rose and I made sure that all the doors were locked and we slept together on the couch, with the TV on. I woke up around 9am, to the smell of bacon. I sat on the couch and stretched.

-Morning sleeping beauty! Rose said with a joyful tone
-What do you mean sleeping beauty, I say stomping in the kitchen while rubbing my eyes, it's barely 9am.
-Yea, that's a lot of sleep when you see your stalkers outside of your house at 3am and then proceed to yell at you: "Accept your fate, Tara Archer!", says a deep voice coming from the dining area.

I turn around to see Johnathan sitting at the dinning table, with his feet on the table. "Johnathan!!!" I shout as I run up to him and hug him tightly.

-I missed you too Tara.
-And then ya'll tell me you don't have feelings for one another, mumbles Rose while rolling her eyes.
-Shut the fuck up Rose, you're ruining our movie-like moment here, I say chuckling.
-Girl, your whole life is a movie, Rose says, and now we need to find a solution so that the movie ends and you live a happily ever after.
-Not all movies have a good ending, I say looking outside the window.
-Well yours will, says Johnathan smiling at me, let's hear it, tell me everything that happened Tara, every detail.

Gosh I loved him so much. As a friend of course... His smile, his sweet eyes, everything about him brought me joy. I zone back in and start telling Johnathan every detail of what happened yesterday. While I'm talking, his sweet green eyes look into mine and I feel a warm sensation going through my body. Once I'm finished telling the story, Rose takes her phone out her pocket and shows Johnathan the picture she took earlier today. I get up and go get the post-its and put them all on the dining table. John takes a few moments to look at all of the evidence and then he looks up at me, standing next to him, and then goes:

-Yea, I don't think it's a joke by teenagers...
-Oh really, I didn't realize! I say with a sarcastic tone.

Johnathan reaches his arm out and grabs Rose's phone with the van on it. He inspects it for a moment and then quickly reaches for his bag behind and takes out his computer. He logs in and goes on google. He ends up on the site web which shows the street outside of my house.

-How the hell did you get that?
-It's pretty easy, this is a site where you can see web cams all around the world. These are installed in order to catch criminals and stuff. So Tara, I'm gonna need you to use your detective privileges and get those tapes so that we can see what the driver's license plate, so that we can track them.
-Guess you're not that dumb, says Rose with a big smile on her lips.

Without saying anything, I walk to the kitchen, put my jacket, grab my keys and head out. As soon as I step a foot outside, the chilling weather of the start of April hits my face.

I was so relieved that day I thought I could actually make it out alive. Little did I know, that's what my stalkers wanted me to believe.

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