Figuring it out

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The following day, the doctor tells me that everything is alright and that I can go home. Johnathan being the overprotective person that he is, carried me out of the hospital into the car. I know he meant well, but my head was in pain, not my legs.

Once we get home, it was about 4pm, Rose starts to take out all of the evidence and printed pictures of the... well you know... the "warning".

-What are you doing?
-She's taking out the evidence. We're gonna find why these people are doing this and why you're their target.
-Um, who's we? Because from what I remember, this is targeting me. Not you two.
-Tara, we want to help you.
-Well don't! I care too much about both of you to let you guys get into this mess without knowing if we'll come out of it.
-Tara, we can defeat those guys if we're three to work on it, Rose says.
-No! I'm not even gonna fight it! I know what these people are capable of, Rose. I'm not gonna let you or Johnathan or Nathan get into this because of me.
-Tara, if we work together...
-No! I yell interrupting Rose. They dug up my mom's dead body to scare me for fuck's sake! You think we have a chance against these guys? Well keep thinking, because it's not gonna happen.

Without even letting both of them answer, I go upstairs and sit on my bed. Without even noticing, I was sobbing. They finally got what they want. I accepted my fate. I knew I was gonna die.

The only time I went out of my bedroom was too go outside to eat dinner. At around 10pm, I was thirsty so I went downstairs to get a glass of water. I look at the dinning room and I see Johnathan and Rose looking at what looks to be around 15 files and taking notes down.

-What are you guys doing?

-What does it look like we're doing? Rose said brutally.

-I swear to god, I told you guys to let it go! I'll figure it out! 

-Fine then! Go ahead! Figure it out on your own, because you're not capable of accepting help from people who love you! Go ahead! I guess we'll see eachother in heaven then! 

I had never seen Johnathan so mad before. I couldn't help but feel bad. They we're only trying to help me. Before I could apologize, Johnathan got out of the house, slamming the door behind him. I turned to Rose to apologize and she slammed her bedroom door before I could say a word. I fucked up. I went to the dinning room and looked at the files they had. My brith certificate, some of my old cases, some old news paper from my dad and an old case from my mom. I cleaned all of it and finally got my glass of water. I went back upstairs and stared at my ceiling until I fell asleep. 

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