Taking action

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I rush back home making sure every two minutes I'm not being followed. I park my car and run inside. Rose is there talking with her friend Sabrina in the living room. I toss my keys on the kitchen island and sit down with them. Sabrina is talking about how she can't find an apartment that fits her budget. When they notice me, they both greet me and ask how my day was. I didn't want to say what happened infront of Sabrina. I say it was fine and I explain the case of Emily White. Both of the girls are speechless and Sabrina asks me how I can handle working in such an environment. I simply raise my shoulders. Sabrina leaves before diner time and Rose gets up to order pizza. Once I'm all alone in the room, I can't take it anymore. I start crying like I've never cried before, which alerts Rose who immediately jogs to the living room and brings me comfort.

-What's wrong Tara? Rose asks with a comforting voice.

I can't even say anything or I would drown in my own tears. With my shaky hands, I reach my purse and open it, revealing the notes. I carefully took them out and throw them on the coffee table. Rose looks at every single one of them and the more she reads, the more I see the panic appear on her face. She slowly turns to look at me and hugs me tightly. "It's okay Tara, we're gonna figure it out." She keeps whispering while rubbing my back.

After five minutes of hugging and crying, Rose takes the phone and calls her bar to say that she won't be able to make it to her shift because of a family emergency. As we are eating the pizza, Rose breaks the silence:

-You can't not tell the police. They are the only ones who can help you!
-What do you mean no?! Do you even know who could be behind this?
-Well spit it out for god's sake!
-There was this group of people who have been watching me all day. Two men and a woman. I saw them this morning and they were in the elevator when I got off my shift. They we're also looking at me when I found all the post-its and smiled at me in a creepy way...
-Did they follow you home?
-Maybe it's just some teenagers who are pranking you!
-Rose, I love you for trying to make this the rational, but how the hell would teenagers making a joke know you guys.
-yeah okay you're right. Well either way, we need to find out who is really doing this and why you.
-Yeah I think that's gonna be my job, since I'm the detective.
-Hey! I can also be a pretty good detective!
-Oh yeah? Prove it.
-Yesterday I found out who ate all of the cookies!
-Who was it?
-Me, Rose says with a smirk.
-Gosh you're so smart!

Afterwards we watched a TV show to help us forget about the problem for a while. It was getting late so we both went to bed. I was laying down on the mattress, looking at the turning fan, wondering if I was really gonna make it out alive.

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