Time to say my goodbyes

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I can feel the panic coming to my head. My hands start trembling as I look to Maria's dead body. I know that I shouldn't be staying here, but I need to know how to find justin, or my father, apparently. I look around the house to find documents or old files that could lead me to the leader. I go up the stairs, that looked like they we're gonna collapse at each step I took, and went to a room that looked like a desk. I searched the room, every drawer and every file, until I found something that could be relevant. I sat down on the dirty floor and started to read the papers. It was a bunch of old writings in latin, now that I think about it, it was probably some could of spell or something. I took out my phone from my pocket and start google translating it. At first, nothing made sense. Until I looked at a paper, indicating all the member's personal addresses. I ran my finger across the paper to find Justin's one and searched it up on the GPS. It was pretty close to my house, about 45 minutes of traveling. I went outside the house, ignoring the dead body bleeding out on the couch and went to my car to write this.

I'm scared and anxious. Was I acting to fast? Maybe I should consult with Rose and Johnathan first. My leg is starting to shake from the anxiety. I'll go home and explain to Rose and Johnathan first, and then I'll go meet my dad.

After a long drive, I finally arriving to my house and Rose ran outside to hug me, so did Johnathan. As I came in the house, Johnathan and I made intense eye contact, before Rose interrupted us by asking me how it went. I explained to them everything that happened; the condition of the house, Maria looking anxious, what she told me, the person watching us, my sprint into the woods, how I came back to find Maria dead, everything.

-Holy shit, Johnathan said, completely frightened by what I've just told them.

-So, basically, your mom fell in love with an insane bastard, who she carried the child of, lied to your "dad" and to you. Now that cult is following you, trying to sacrifice you to gain immortality, because you are a child sent by the mighty Satan? Rose says.

-Basically. Now, I want to go see Justin, I need to meet him.

-Are you out of your fucking mind, Johnathan brutally says, the guy's a fucking pig serial killer and he thinks your a child of Satan and you want to go have coffee or some shit with him?

-Johnathan, it's not like that...

-Then what is it like Tara? Because at first, we we're dealing with dumbass stalkers and now you're being chased by people who praise Satan. Why can't we go back to how it was? When Rose would cook all the time, we would have dinner with Nathan and Sabrina, what happened to that?

-Look Johnathan, it's not my fucking fault if my mom lied to me all my life, and when she died she left me with no information or whatsoever. I never asked you to get involved with this. If you don't like it, then there's the fucking door, I say as my voice breaks, pointing the front door.

-Fuck you.

Johnathan slams the coffee table, gets up and loudly walks out of the house. I start crying and Rose hugs me tightly, whispering in my ear that everything is gonna be okay. She cooks an amazing dinner and we play Monopoly before we go to bed.

At 4am, I get up, making the less noise possible. I get dressed and leave a note on the kitchen counter for Rose to find. I grab my keys and leave. It was a hot morning of may. The humidity immediately made my air all puffy. I drive to Johnathan's house. I get out of the car and knock on his door. He comes to answer it, suprised to find me at his front door.

-Johnathan, I just wanted to apologize for yesterday, I-

He puts his arms around my waist and pulls me in a hug. He whispers: "I'm sorry I snapped, I'm just so scared about what will happen if you go see your dad."

John let's go of me and puts his hand on my cheek. His hand is cold, which feels nice. At this point, our faces are so close to eachother that I can feel his breathing against my lips. He gets closer to me and presses his lips against mine. His touch feels like heaven. His hand quickly moves onto my hip, and he pulls me closer to his body. I wrap my arms around his neck. He pulls me in the house and closes the front door, without backing out of the kiss. He pins me against the wall and lifts me up. He starts to kiss my neck as I wrap my legs around his waist. We then move on to the couch, where we... you know. I fall asleep in his arms, my head resting on his chest.

At 6am, Johnathan is sound asleep. I get up carefully and start to put my clothes back on. I grab my keys and leave a note for him as well on his kitchen counter. I leave the house and start driving to the address I found in Maria's things.

As I'm writting this, I'm infront of my house, for you to find this journal. I'm gonna leave my phone in my car, which I'm gonna park infront of Justin's house and Find My Phone is on. I have my pocket knife with me. I know I'm probably never going to get out of that house, at least not alive.

If you're reading this, just know that I needed to meet my real dad. Tell William Archer that I love him deeply. Tell my sister that I don't hate her and I hope that she becomes rich like she always wanted to be. She works hard and she deserves the world. Please make sure tat Rose and Johnathan read their notes that I left them, it's important to me, and most of all, find Justin and arrest him.

The summer where I diedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن