The notes

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(This is just a bonus chapter where you can read the notes that Tara left to Johnathan and Rose. I recommend reading it because Tara tells a lot of stuff to them that can be relevant to the story, but you can always skip this part.)

Rose's note:

Hey Rose,

I'm sorry I had to leave like this, but I need to meet Justin. I know you think it's dumb but it matters to me and I hope that one day you'll understand. I'm pretty sure we're never gonna see eachother again, so here are some things that you need to know:

First, you need to know that Sabrina likes you and you guys would be adorable together. She told me about two weeks ago and made me promise I wouldn't tell you, Sorry Sabrina. Maybe you should give it a try and see how it goes.

Second, I still loved Johnathan, you we're right. Before I leave to meet Justin, I'm gonna stop by his house. I know you're smiling right now, cause you love being right.

Third, I want to thank you. Thank you for being you. For being the one person that has always been by my side, even when I was in the wrong. For being the one person that I coud share my secrets to and let my inner child out without being judged. For being my guardian angel when things didn't go right. Please know that I'm watching over you. I'm gonna miss our late night talks and our shopping sessions when we we're about to go insane. You are my sister from another mother, my true love and soulmate.

Please don't let the small things bring you down, especially not men. Enjoy life while you can and don't look back. Keep on your life without me ause I know you'll make it. I'm actually glad I died first, because without you, I wouldn't be able to live life.

I love you with my whole heart.


Johnathan's note:

Hey John,

You're not gonna see me for a while. Even if you're gonna hate me for it, I went to meet Justin. I needed to see my real dad. I know I'm gonna die, so please know this before I go.

Please take care of Rose. The next few monthes are gonna kill her. Make sure that she eats and drinks water everyday. Protect her from the guys that want to take advantage of her, because she will let them.

Please know that I love you. Our breakup was one of the hardest things I've had to go through after my mother's death. I love you so much, but please, don't be afraid to love another. You deserve someone that can give you more love than I could ever give you. You deserve the world and more.

Lastly, make the most out of life. Don't think about me because I will rest in peace, knowing that I got the answers I wanted and I was with the best persons in the world.

I love you deeply.


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