Maybe my mother wasn't the nice guy after all

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I got up around 9am to a knock on the door. I quickly got out of bed and went to answer it. It was the mailman, he had a packaged from me coming from my aunt. I opened the box and it had lots of stuff and a letter from my aunt.

Hi dear,

So, since your dad is moving out of the family house, we both cleaned out the basement. I found some of your mother's stuff in it and I thought you might want to have it. I didn't look through the box, neither did your father, we wanted you to have it. You're free to do whatever you want with it. I thought having some memories from your mother could please you, if not, you can throw it all away.

Love ya xxx

-Your loving aunt

I let the letter fall on the floor as I searched through the box. It was filled with stuff I've never seen my mother with. I took out a jewellery box and started to search though it. Something that caught my attention was a weird necklace, which I had never seen my mother wear. It was a gold chain with a weird symbol hanging from it. I couldn't recognize that symbol as well. I put the necklace and and jewellery box aside and continued searching through my mother's stuff. It was just some old clothes and one black dress, which I found pretty odd, cause I had never seen my mother wear it. As I reached the bottom of the box, I found an old picture. It was my mother with a bunch of people I had never seen. She was infront of the group and she was holding a man's hand. And then it clicked. I took a closer look at the black dress and at the picture. My mother was wearing it in that photo, and so was the dozen of other people there with her. At first look, it seemed like some kind of cult or something. I looked behind the picture and the year that it was taken was written on it. 1997. 

I went to the station to look at some old news papers from 1997. I found 5 of them that seemed to correspond to my theory. They all talked about dead animals found with their throat slit. I cringed reading that. That's messed up. I took photos and left the station without saying a word. I got back home and threw the keys on the counter, I looked at the picture of my mother, still sitting on the counter. I refuse to believe that Charlotte Archer was apart of the cult, but it starred to become obvious that she possibly was. I went upstairs to knock on Rose's door.

-What do you want Tara? she asked furiously.

-Look, I'm sorry Rose. I snapped at you and Johnathan and I shouldn't have. You guys we're just trying to help and I was a bitch to you. I'm overwhelmed recently and I'm sorry I took it out on you. It won't happen again, I swear. 

I heard some footsteps approaching the door and the door opened, followed by a big hug by Rose.

-I forgive you.

-Thank you. 

-I'll go make some lunch, you set the table.

-Yes boss.

Rose headed to the kitchen and I went to the dinning room, where my heart stopped beating. I let out a loud yell and started crying. Rose rushed to the dinning room where she joined in my panic. 

A dead pig. With his throat slit. Lying on my dinning table. Written on him: Accept your fate Tara, we are everywhere. And a picture in the poor animal's mouth. I slowly approached the pig. In a quick motion I grabbed the picture. And when I thought it couldn't get worst, it did. In the picture, you could see my mother with the same people as in the other picture, but this time, my mother was pregnant. She was sitting in a pentacle, holding candles. I could feel Rose's presence behind me. 

-Isn't that your mother? is.

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