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The other gasps as Byakuya glare down at me, I ignored it all and glare at the black and white bear

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The other gasps as Byakuya glare down at me, I ignored it all and glare at the black and white bear.

"...........Y/n, are you okay?" The ultimate martial artist gazes at me with concern, I chuckled at her expression and replied with, "Yes"

"I wonder what happened but lets move on to the people with an alibi." Celeste suggested while staring at me intensely.

"No, it would be smart to talk about the time of the murder first." Byakuya quickly said after her, she listened quietly and nodded.

"Allow me to explain... Just after nighttime last night, I went to the garden. So I can confirm that at that point, there was no dead body there. So, the murder must have taken place after I left the garden. However...Sakura, Toko, Hifumi and I were in the gym the entire time." Celeste explains as I gasp at the Information, my surprised expression could be seen by anyone.

"The gym...?" I muttered out in shock, Sakura nodded and said, "That's correct.... The four of us were there trying to dismantle Monokuma. The whole time we were very careful not to go anywhere alone. We even went to the bathroom in pairs. All of which is to say...the four of us all have alibis. The only ones without alibis...are You and Byakuya."

"Why didn't you invite us?" I questioned them with a confused expression, Hifumi takes the lead this time and said, "We were ringing your doorbell many times! But you weren't answering, We got really concerned and.....Byakuya.... He slammed the door in our face."

"Oh, I must have been sleeping then." I said with a pout, I was investigating at that time but I don't think they should know that right now.

"Um, I ha-have something I'd like to say regarding the whole alibi thing..." Toko meekly said, we turn our gazes to her, "what time the murder took place. Doing that might reveal some kind of c-clue..."

"The body must have been discovered at 9 a.m., since that's when Sakura went to get the pickaxe... And we all went to knock on the door of Y/n and Byakuya after the nighttime, which means the murder took place between 10 p.m. to 9 a.m." Celeste explained with a confident expression.

I broke her claim with a fact, "Actually, the murder couldn't have happened anywhere near 10 o'clock. It had to have taken place way later. Because of the sprinklers in the garden. The sprinklers are set to go off right at 7:30 every morning, right? So if the body had been in the garden before 7:30......then it should have been completely soaked." The other gasps and asks, "How do you know that the body was dry before the explosion?" I smiled at them.

"I thought that the body caught fire but it seems like it exploded and about the question you asked..... The other half was completely dry and the burnt part was wet so, it's easy to sum it up." I replied with a small shrug.

"Then the murder took place between 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m," Hifumi repeated to himself and nodded.

"But the suspects are still Y/n and Byakuya, though.....Byakuya joined us after 7:30 a.m., while Y/n was away. Which means Y/n is the killer!" Celestia confidently pointed her finger at me, The others shook in complete shock.

I clapped my hand and smiled at her, "why would I try to kill the mastermind?"  She gritted her teeth and puts her finger down, "You thought Mukuro was the mastermind.... So you killed her to try and put a stop to all this. Isn't that right, Y/n? But you made one catastrophic mistake--Mukuro wasn't the mastermind at all." She spoke again with confidence.

"I'm not the only one without an alibi. Byakuya's explanation is still insufficient." I replied with a smirk, they gasped and took a step back in their seat.

"Huh...?" He exclaimed with utter confusion and shock, He still kept a straight face but I am great at reading expression and human behaviour!

"The sprinklers didn't get the body wet, but that doesn't mean the murder happened when you said it did. Because you see, there is a way the body could have avoided getting wet. All it would take is covering the body with a certain something to keep it from getting wet and that is the tarp, All you'd have to do is cover the body with the tarp, and that'd take care of the water. In fact, that's exactly what the killer did. The dirt pattern on the tarp can attest to that. All you'd have to do is cover the body with the tarp, and that'd take care of the water. In fact, that's exactly what the killer did. The dirt pattern on the tarp can attest to that. The side that faced down over the body, meanwhile, kept perfectly clean. This proves that the killer used the tarp to keep the body from getting soaked!" I pointed my finger at Byakuya, Toko gaps in horror and exclaimed loudly.

"My master Byakuya, would never do that, giving up like that and murdering someone, no way!" She shouts at me with complete anger, I glared at her and said, "Then you think I did the murder?" She stops working and looks back at Byakuya and me repeatedly.

"It's Monokuma's doing!" She turns to Monokuma and points at the robot.

"But why would they go to all that effort just to keep the body from getting wet?" Sakura ignored Toko and asks me.

"Most likely so they could cloud the issue of when the murder actually took place. In other words, to create an excuse exactly like the one Celeste just gave us." I calmly replied with a straight face, I don't even know what I am doing anymore?

"There is one thing that isn't right, actually, only one side being clean is odd, Because...the blood wasn't dry before the body got blasted, Celestia said it herself--not to touch it or you might get some on you. If you put a tarp on a body in that state, it absolutely would have gotten blood on it." He replied with the same straight face, fingers pointing at me.

"Well...maybe the culprit washed it, so nobody would know they'd used it," Hifumi suggested with his fist in the air.

"If they had, they would've washed both sides. Just washing the one side wouldn't hide anything." Byakuya said, looking away, not meeting anyone's gaze.

"More than that, what if the very blood we saw on the body was meant as a kind of camouflage? What if, after the killer used the tarp to avoid the sprinklers they then covered the body in blood that didn't belong to the victim? Like those chickens?" I replied with a smile, I kept breaking his spirit with every single word.

"You meant chicken blood? Well, you are probably correct because when I first saw the coop, there were 5 chickens and but now there are 4." Sakura replied, crossing her arms with a poker face.

"How horrible..." I muttered with a bitter taste.

"Anyway, there's no denying that a chicken went missing, which provides a basis for my theory." I smirk and glare at Byakuya, who is staring at me blankly.

"Perhaps, but even so...there's one thing that still doesn't make sense. You said the culprit used the tarp to avoid the water, and then covered the body in blood, right? But if that's the case, then the blood should have soaked into the ground around the body. But that's not what we saw. Only the victim's clothing had blood on it. The ground was completely clean." My smirk fades as he said that.

I am making an animatic for this book!

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