New Skills

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[Blood Satiation] - A skill that allows the user to save blood to satisfy their hunger. The more blood you consume, the more blood is stored.

Blood Satiation (5 months)

"I obtained this skill from excessive blood consumption, but that's fine because it's an useful skill." With a smile, I said.

[Sanitised Metabolism] - A skill that grants the user a perpetually clean body that is immune to the development of unsightly skin and bad breath. If the user has a smell, it will always be pleasant. The user's teeth will be forever white, and their skin will be flawless.

"So it's a skill that keeps my skin flawless and prevents me from becoming dirty. This ability just aids my social appeal, but I suppose I don't have to clean myself." With a smile, I stated.

"It's no surprise you don't have any blood on you." Kasumi inquired, her face filled with comprehension.

"All right, on to the next skill." While looking at the following talent, I said.

[Enhanced Condition] - A skill that improved the user's Condition beyond that of their species' peak.

"So, a skill that improves my condition beyond my species' peak." With a puzzled expression, I said.

"That's a skill that improves everything about you, both physically and mentally, and it's one of the most difficult skills to acquire for everyone except vampires." Kasumi exclaimed, her face beaming.

"Why is it so difficult to obtain for non-vampire species?" With a puzzled gaze, I inquired of Kasumi.

"No one knows, but some assume it has something to do with the origin, but that notion has yet to be proven. Except for vampires, all other species must first attain and surpass their species' peak to achieve Enhanced Condition, which isn't easy." Kasumi expressed her seriousness.

"Is this why humans have formed alliances with other species to combat vampires?" With a puzzled gaze, I inquired of Kasumi.

"Yes, that is the real reason the alliance was formed: to combat vampires and prevent them from dominating the world." Kasumi expressed herself with a genuine smile.

[Dark Arts] - A dangerous system of techniques based on the dark side of magic, which tends to focus on destruction, harming, and cursing.

"Dark Arts provides me with techniques and magic relating to the dark side of magic." I nodded as I said it.

"It's no surprise they have such a huge variety of dark techniques and magic." Kasumi said, her face filled with realization.

[***** Resistance] - A skill that increases the *****'s resistance.

"It most likely increases my resistance to the energy that controlled the white puppets." Because that was the only thing that was unidentifiable.

"What are those white puppets?" Kasumi inquired, puzzled.

"Last night, as I was ready to return, I noticed many hooded figures dressed entirely in white looking for something, so I tried to return, but was detected by one of them, even with shadow stealth activated."

"When he detected me, he attacked, but when I got a close look at his face, I realized he was one of those stingy people, but he was emotionless and his eyes was golden white."

"We fought for a while, but the battle's tides didn't alter much until I used Chaos Magic and Aura, which looked to be polar opposites to the golden white energy."

"The white figures were once human, but the white energy transformed them into emotionless puppets, which I was able to kill in the end, with one obtaining awareness and informing me that he had met my mother."

"So Aalka was able to gain control after the high-stress battle earlier?" Kasumi inquired, her face curious.

"Yeah." I stated this with sincerity.

[Weakness Immunity] -A skill that offers the user immunity to all of their own race's weaknesses.

"It may not effect that much in battle unless my opponent uses magic or techniques, but it is still useful." I said with a smile.

[Enhanced Synesthesia] - A skill that permits the person to detect several sensory responses simultaneously.

"It is useful for not only for sensing opponents, but also for sensing their intentions." While nodding happily, I remarked.

[Spirtual Perception] - A skill that allows the practitioner to see or sense invisible beings such as spirits, ghosts, angels, and demons.

"So it enables me to view supernatural spirits." I stated it with a smile on my face.

[Mystic Eye] - A skill that bestows supernatural power and properties on the user's eyes.
(0 Skills Unlocked)

"That sounds like it'll come in handy later on when I unlock the skills," I remarked, smiling.

"It will be, and why do you have so many rare abilities?" Kasumi inquired, pouting.

"I don't know, but don't you have an natural arts?" I remarked, my face intrigued.

"Yeah, but it's been my final accessible skill since I obtained it because it rapidly depletes my stamina and mana unless I master it, which I haven't yet." Kasumi expressed herself honestly.

"It's no surprise you felt tired when I regained some vision during your combat with Aalka." I said that with a contemplative expression.

"I guess we should get out of here."  Kasumi smiled as she spoke.

"Before teleporting, we should probably change our clothes." I remarked this as I looked at my clothes, which were on the verge of falling apart.

"Yeah we should." Kasumi said while looking down at her torn clothes.

I quickly changed my clothing as Kasumi had difficulty, so I assisted her, further embarrassing her before she felt delighted since I was coming in contact with her, which she enjoyed.

"Do you think you can walk?" With a serious expression on my face, I asked Kasumi.

"I can't in my current condition, therefore you'll have to carry me." Kasumi remarked, turning her head away from me so I wouldn't see her embarrassed face.

I could easily carry her now that all of my wounds had healed, including the severed arm, so I walked up to her and lifted her up in a princess carry before teleporting back to the city.

We had no choice but to teleport to the city before teleporting back to our house because I was too far away to teleport with my current teleportation abilities.

After entering our house, I put Kasumi on her bed before going into my room and fell onto my bed, before drifting off into the land of dreams.

Chaos Mana User - Reborn As The Vampire PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now