Fighting Lilith (2)

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Order energy erupted from her body, cancelling the erupted blue flames instantly as it covered my body.

"How are you going to break free from this, my daughter?"

The The order energy was suppressing me, making me unable to cast anything besides resist it from entering my body, so I burst my chaos energy, but it was only able to push it back a bit.

"It's disappointing that you haven't reached the next level of chaos, which I'll need, so I'll help you do that, kay."

The chaos covering me was being pushed back nearly to the point where it could reenter my body.

"Come on, you're stronger than that."

Kasumi appeared next to Lilith, slashing her katanas at her, attempting to free Lily.

"Too weak."

Lilith flicked her hand, controlling the Order energy within Kasumi to send her flying back before restraining her against a wall.

Kimiko appeared behind Lilith, attempting the same thing, resulting in being restrained against a crumbled wall with order bindings cuffing her limbs, waist, and neck.


Chaos forcefully entered my body, with order following fright behind, attempting to forcefully refine my chaos to the next level.

"Why are you trying to increase my chaos to the next level?"

"Simple really. I'm doing it so that when I consume you, I don't have to increase it to the next level myself."

'Just a little bit more.'

"Makes sense with the corrupted personality you have."

"Thanks, you're so nice." She held onto my cheek, looking at me with her sadistic but lustful crimson eyes.


Chaos tendrils broke Kasumi's and Kimiko's restraints simultaneously, as they both vanished and appeared next to Lilith and I, with Kasumi slashing Lilith in order to distract her, and Kimiko releasing Lily.


Kasumi was stopped in her tracks as Lilith created a barrier around her and extended her hand.

Kasumi was about to be seized by Lilith when a mysterious force pulled her away.

Kasumi said, "Thanks."

Kimiko materialized a short distance away and set Lily down after nodding her head.

"At this rate, we'll lose." I said.

"She's a Primordial God, which is a level higher than God Tier." Kimiko said.

"That makes sense then, but how do we defeat her?"

"If you two were God Tier, then there's a chance, but since you two are Demi Gods, we currently have no chance at defeating her."

"Since we aren't god tier, then what else can we do?"

"We have no choice but to continue fighting until we come up with something to defeat her."


Both Kasumi and I disappeared, appearing next to Lilith with Lily swinging a scythe and Kasumi slashing her katanas at her.


She formed a barrier that stopped both of our attacks in their tracks.



My scythe broke through the barrier, slashing through her torso as if it was tofu, before I flipped it into a reverse grip and cut her into small pieces.

"You manipulated the possibilities and made it so your scythe could break through my barrier and could injure me, but that still isn't enough."

'If she knows what I did, it either means she has good battle intuition or that she has experienced something similar before.'

Her body, which was now severed into several pieces, regenerated nearly in an instant, leaving not even a scar on her body.

"Now it's my turn."

With two order scythes in hand, she swung them at both of us at speeds we couldn't see.


The two scythes hit a barrier Kimiko formed in front of us, which began to crack from the force of Lilith's attack.

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