Starlight (Final)

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I checked the amount of mana I had.

[Chaotic Mana: 18,800/18,800]

"It appears that killing opponents in a much higher tier than me raises my level significantly, since my mana pool practically tripled." With a smile on my face, I thought.

"I now get 20 stat points per level, opposed to 10 stat points per level previously." I thought with a bright smile.

"You have such a beautiful smile." Kasumi said this as she kissed the top of my head while wrapping her arm around my waist.

"Thanks, but so do you." As I said with a smile, my face flushed.

"Thanks." Kasumi said with a bright smile.

The ground began shaking, which means the dungeon is going to be sending us out soon.


In another part of the dungeon, two hunters were looking for monsters to kill, but had no luck just like the previous group of six.

"Why can't we find any monsters kill." One of them complained as he kicked a rock he saw on the ground in boredom.

The ground began shaking, as a void corridor appeared below us, which we immediately fell into before we could have any chance to resist.

This same thing happened all over the dungeon with each individual or party being unable to resist from entering the void corridor, but they soon appeared outside of the dungeon in bewilderment.

After being teleported outside of the dungeon, Kasumi and I left the crowd of people that were stuck in bewilderment, since we already knew what happened.

"What happened, did someone clear the dungeon, but that should be impossible." A man spoke as he complained in irritation.

"The dungeon has been cleared, since you guys were teleported out, but if you don't believe me then look at the holographic screen above the dungeon gate." One of the knights said as he pointed towards the holographic screen.

[Dungeon has been cleared; resetting in 24 hours]

"Show yourselves, because someone must have cleared the dungeon." With an outraged look, a man stated.

We ignored his statements as we walked away from the crowd towards the Hunters Union, however a group of 6 individuals came in front of us stopped us.

"Oh, so it was you guys who were following us."As I gazed at the preceding group of six, I said.

[(Lukius) Mid Gold Tier - Knight]

[(Sophia) Low Gold Tier - Mage]

[(Zain) Mid Silver Tier - Assassin]

[(Alvin) High Silver Tier - Tank]

[(Arvin) High Silver Tier - Tank]

[(Mia) Low Silver Tier - Healer]

"How is her perception so strong?" Lukius thought to humself.

"Yeah, but were you two the ones who got the dungeon cleared?" Lukius inquired, his face puzzled.

"Yeah, what about it." Kasumi said with a calm expression.

"We're just curious and aren't looking to cause any trouble." Lukius spoke this with sincerity.

"Is that all you wanted?" I inquired, my face calm.

As he led his group away, Lukius responded, "Yes."

Kasumi and I kept walking until we reached the Hunters Union, which didn't take long since there were no more interferences.

We then strolled into the Hunters Union and up to the reception desk, which Solra was sitting at.

"So you're back, tell me what you need from me today, nya." Solra said with as she tilted her head.

"We want to sell some monster parts." I stated it with a calm expression.

"Will you require a room in order to remove the monster parts, nya?" Solra inquired, a smile on his face.

"Yes please." Kasumi said with a solemn face.

"Alright, since there aren't many people coming in during this time frame, I'll be the one checking the monster parts you've obtained nya." Solra said as she smiled.

"Oh alright." Kasumi said with a smile.

"Cecilia, I'll be checking monster parts, so take my post, just in case a someone comes in nya." Solra said as she stood up and gestured for us to follow.

"Alright, coming." Cecilia said as she walked out of the back room and sat at the reception desk.

We followed Solra into a second, quite large room and began taking out the monster parts from our storage spaces.

Everything was out and spread across the room after a few minutes of removing the monster parts.

"You seem to have hunted a lot in such a short amount of time, nya." Solra stated, her brows raised.

With a serene smile, Kasumi responded, "Yeah."

"Calculating the price will take some time, but I'll try to do it as quickly as possible, nya." As she began to calculate the price, Solra stated.


She completed calculating the price of all the monster pieces an hour later.

"The price is 700 gold, although the Slayer Union appears to have improved the currency system and payment process nya." Solra expressed himself solemnly.

"So, what's the new form of payment?" Kasumi inquired, titling her head.

"It's difficult to explain, but place your hand on here." She took a magic terminal the size of a hand out of her space storage. "There will be a brief jolt of pain, and after that, check your system, nya." Solra said with a solemn face.

I did as she said and placed my hand on the magic terminal, receiving a faint jolt of pain before pulling my hand away and beginning to look through my system.

I found a new section under my stats after looking for a bit.

[Balance: 1 Platinum, 70 Gold, 760 Silver, 0 Bronze, 0 Copper]

"How did the Slayer Union pull it off?" With raised eyebrows, I inquired of Solra.

"I don't know for sure because there are so many rumors floating around, but it's apparently tied to the Creation Goddess they worship, nya." Solra said, her face solemn.

"I'm not that surprised if it was the Creation Goddess who made it." Kasumi smiled as she said.

"The new currency system still has Copper, Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum coins, but it also has Riel, Euros, Novas, Aspar, and Austral, with each currency having a ten-fold difference, implying that 100 Bronze equals one silver, 1000 silver equals one gold, and so on." Solra said that with a smile on his face.

Chaos Mana User - Reborn As The Vampire PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now