19: Goodbyes

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Please ignore all typos and errors. This book has not been edited yet.

Zayn's pov
A week later.

I'm whipped.

I'm totally whipped.

Do you think falling in love in one week is possible? No? Well think again. Cause I have fallen. Hard.

For the last 7 days, we have bonded. And now I regret ever suggesting she leaves for Turkey. Like what was I thinking?

Right now it is a Thursday morning. Her flight was at 11am. She was busy making breakfast even after I told her not to because I didn't want us to be late. Even tho it's just eight. Okay I'm overreacting.

"Sit" she said putting a plate of breakfast on the table. And so I did. I couldn't help but noticed how stiff her body was as I followed her every move.

"Quit staring Zayn" she mumbled and I laughed before digging in. She came soon after with her plate and we ate in a comfortable silence. Non of us wanting to speak about the trip.

Once done, she picked the plates and went to the kitchen. I didn't know what she stopped to do in the kitchen but she stayed there for almost 30 minutes.

Once it was time to go, she walked downstairs with her small bag which probably had her phone and passport. She carried a medium sized luggage it was obvious she had clothes there in her apartment. Her expression wasn't sadness nor happiness. It was unreadable.

We arrived at the airport in no time. Her parents were supposed to be here but an emergency came up so only her brother faruk and sister Layla managed to come.

Every time I would glance at Noor I would see her already staring at me and then she would look away. Her eyes almost looked pleading. Almost as if she was waiting or expecting something from me.

I talked to Faruk for a while before it was time for her to board her plane. She hugged her sister and her brother before she turned to me. "Umm....I guess we will talk on the phone?" She asked quietly.

I smiled looking down at her "I will check up on you everyday" i replied and that bought a little smile to her face. "Okay take care" she said. "You too" i replied and she turned to leave after waving bye to her siblings.

And she disappeared in the Matter of seconds. "Okay see you soon?" Faruk said giving me a bro hug which I returned patting his back. "Of course" I replied and they both left.

I went back to my car and just sat there. A lump was threatening to form in my throat but I ignored it. It was almost as if I was waiting for some sort of miracle to happen. But how stupid was i being right now?

I had the chance to make things right but instead I encouraged her to leave. I heard the announcement that the plane to Istanbul was taking off and I sighed. I gathered all my thoughts and put the car on drive.

I had a company to run. Maybe that will occupy my mind for the next 3 months.


Noor's pov

I wanted him to stop me.

I wanted him to stop me so bad but he didn't. My expression was literally pleading with him to at least come up with a stupid excuse just so I could stay.

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