39: Instant regret.

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Noor's pov

"Don't worry you're going to be fine" Zayn said rubbing my back when he noticed my nervousness. I'm always a nervous wreck when I'm going to Zayn's parents house and now I have a bigger reason to be nervous.

"Hmmm" I nodded slightly fully knowing I won't be okay.

We reached the house soon and Zayn lead me to the front door before he knocked on the door noticing it's locked.

Aaryan soon opened the door and gave Zayn a side hug beaming with excitement. He finally turned to me with a smile "Noor long time no see" he said and normally I would reply I mean Aaryan and I really click together but today my tongue is tight so I gave him a wide smile in return.

He looked at me a bit strangely before stepping aside so we can enter the house. The house has this intense scent of turaren wuta which helped me calm my nerves.

"Oh my gosh Noor" Amira came out of nowhere and hugged me tightly. Zayn and Aaryan both left to Abba's living room and Amira and I followed behind them. "I feel like I haven't seen you for ages you've lost a lot of weight and you look sick were you sick?" She asked me bunch of questions rapidly. "No I wasn't sick" i answered all her questions with short replies.

We greeted Abba and Amira lead me to the kitchen which Umma was cooking inside. I greeted and she seemed a little too excited to see me. Not to forget she had a change of heart about me. "Do you need any help there?" I asked her looking around. Everything looks good and I'm sure she is almost done with the help of the two maids pacing around but it wouldn't hurt anybody to ask.

"No dear I'm done anyways, Amira take her up to your room" Umma said and both Amira and I went upstairs to her room.

I looked around the neat room remember the events that happened here. All the shoutings and accusations. Amira might have sensed what I was thinking about "I know you're remembering what happened the last time you came to this room and......I'm really sorry I was being a horrible person back then but trust me I regret them all I swear I'm a-"

"Stop apologizing already" I cut her off with a grin. "I've heard enough" I added before turning to her bed and slumping on it. Amira watched me with a smile before she joined me on the bed.

"I'm really lucky to have you as my sister-in-law" I smiled brightly hearing that. "When you and Zayn have a baby, I'm going to be the sweetest auntie ever" Amira exclaimed and my heart skipped a beat. It's always like that when someone brings up the topic of babies to me.

"I'm gonna spoil my niece or nephew so much tha-" a sudden knock on the door interrupted Amira sentence. "Come in" she said and the door swing open revealing one of the maids I saw downstairs.

She informed us that Umma is calling us downstairs for lunch before Amira and I headed downstairs.

Loud chatters of Zayn, Abba and Aaryan voices were heard as we approached the big dining hall. The three looked so happy conversing with each other. I looked over at Zayn and he was already looking at me. He gave me a concerned look asking 'is everything okay?'

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