58: Outburst

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Please ignore all typos and errors. This book has not been edited yet.
Enjoy 😘

"Mama it's fine really, I will be fine in no time" Noor told her mother in an unsure voice. "you are very strong my child, I know you will be back to normal soon" she assured her. the much needed assurance. but Mama was wrong. she wasn't strong.

She is far from that.

Mama couldn't believe her ears when Layla told them that Noor was awake. it felt like she was dreaming and it will all varnish when she wakes up but when she saw her daughter sitting upright on the hospital bed, she knew the sad days were over.

The doctor told them earlier in the morning that she needed physical and occupational therapy. she could not move every muscle in her body perfectly after being half dead for such a long time hence, the physical therapy.

Zayn left like an hour ago to have a talk with the doctor and arrange the sessions whilst giving Noor the time she needed with her family. He told his family to come later on in the day just to give her more time with them. plus they have a wedding going on so spending so much time here isn't an option.

"Ansar is finally with his mummy right?" Mama joked with the little boy that sat on Noor's lap. they have been in the same position for hours. neither of them wanted to move or change the position. she was happy to have her son in her arms. he was happy to be in his mother's arms. "yess" he replied cheerfully inching closer to Noor.

"ya Faruk?" Layla called. "hmm" he answered. "where is Anty Aisha? why didn't you bring her with you?" she asked. "exactly, I wanted to ask the same. I hope she is fine?" Mama added looking at her son. Noor waited patiently for them to explain to her who this Anty Aisha is.

"no she is alright. I just thought maybe Noor was-"

"who is Aisha??"Noor asked looking between Mama, Faruk and Layla. "is she your wife?" she added. it sounded more like a statement than a question. "are you married?" she asked him staring him dead in the eye. She made it sound like he eloped and got married.

"yes Noor. I am married, and her name is Aisha.she isn't here because she wanted to be introduced to you when you feel a little better" he said to her. she nodded her head with an unreadable expression on her face. "when? when did you get married?" she asked him after some seconds.

"ehh 11 months ago? yeah?" he turned to Layla for assurance and she nodded. "yes 11 months ago" he told Noor "oh" she said making an o shape with her mouth. "are you married too?" she turned to Layla whose eyes became wide. Laughter erupted as her face turned red. "what? no. I am not married" she said in haste.

"I was also at uncle's wedding" Ansar threw in looking at his mother with glint in his eyes. "really? did you have fun?" she asked him with a smile. "yes, a lot of fun" he exclaimed cheerfully.

"where is Baba?" Noor asked after a few minutes. "he is coming a little later, we couldn't wait for him earlier" Mama told her. She finally saw her family but her in-laws? her friend? "where are Humaira, Aaliya and Hanifa?" she asked Layla. she might have kept in touch with them while she was sleeping.

"Aaliya and her husband moved to Kaduna like a year ago with their daughter an-" Noor interrupted with a shocked expression. "Aaliya has a child?" she asked. maybe she heard wrong. Just imagining Aaliya with a baby created a hilarious scene in Noor's head. she wasn't good with babies and it was no secret. "yes, she has a two year old daughter. her name is Manal" Layla told her and she nodded taking in the information.

It was still dawning on her how much time had passed.

3 years.

A lot of things can change in the span of 3 years.

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