28: you caused this.

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Zayn's pov

The house smelled delicious as I stepped in with a box of doughnuts I grabbed for Noor. I took slow steps towards the kitchen where the smell was coming from. Upon arriving,her back was facing me and she was happily cooking.

It's so unbelievable how I fell in love with her. She was just the girl I married a few months ago and I never really thought I will fall for her.

Suddenly, she turned and flinched. She released loud breaths as she placed her hand on her chest. "Zayn stop scaring me. Why were you just standing there?" She asked after catching her breath.

"I didn't mean to scare and I just returned" I answered. "What's that?" She asked referring to the box I was holding. "I got doughnuts for you" I told her and I could see her eyes widen in excitement.

"Aww...thank you" she said as I handed her the box but also grabbed her hand in the process. I looked down at her petite figure as i hovered over her. "What are you doing?" She asked looking up at me.

I gave her a silly smile and held her close. "We have a lot of things to do and discuss" I said my hands going up to her shoulder. "Zayn stopppp" she said trying to get out of my grasp as I laughed.

"I'm hungry" I stated almost like a kid. "Well I will be done with the food just as soon as you let me go" she said looking up at me. I smiled and gave her a kiss on the forehead before letting her out of my arms.

I grabbed a bottle of chilled water from the fridge and gulped it down. I was about to walk out of the kitchen when Noor spoke. "When do you plan on reconciling with Umma Zayn?" She looked nervous as she said it. I could tell she didn't like the topic at all.

"Just as soon as she accepts you" I replied.she released a sigh and turned off the cooker before turning to me. "Please go and talk to her. She might not show it but I know she is hurting. All she wants is her Zayn back" Noor explained looking at me pleadingly.

Even after what they had done to her,she still wants me to reconcile with them. "Okay I will" I said and she gave me a bright smile. Anything that will bring a smile to her face. "Bu-" I was cut off when my phone started ringing.

I fetched it from my pocket and stepped outside the kitchen to answer Aaryan's call. "Zayn it's Umma  she is in the hospital" he said immediately I picked up.

"What?what happened?" I asked. I left the house like an hour ago what could have possibly happened? "I don't know Amira just called me I'm on my way to the hospital right now" he replied.

"I will be right there" I said and hung up since I already know which hospital she was taken to. Just then, Noor came out of the kitchen looking worried."is everything okay? What's wrong?" She asked looking at me with a hint of fear in her eyes.

"I will be back" I said before dashing out of the house. I had no time to explain to her what happened. I mean even I don't know what's wrong with Umma. As I pulled out the gate, I saw her run out of the front door but I couldn't waste another minute so I left.

My mind was all over the place as I drove to the hospital. What could have possibly happened to her?

When I arrive at the hospital, I went to the private section of our family where I knew Umma will be. I saw Aaryan talking with the doctor immediately I walked in.

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