59: Fading Scar

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Please ignore all typos and errors. This book has not been edited yet.

She smiled contently as she looked out the window of the car. so many things have changed. the roads, the buildings and she shops. they all looked different yet the same as the last time. Zayn slowed down the car slightly just so she could have a better view of everything.

It's been a week since she woke and she got discharged from the hospital today. Noor decided that she was tired of staying in the hospital and prefers to take her daily therapy sessions at home. She could walk and stand properly but not perfectly yet and she has begun to take in information without triggering her head injury.

The last 7 days have been the best for her. Her friends all came the next day after she called them and she was beyond happy to be talking with them and see their children. Speaking of children, Ansar still remained a little Mistry to Noor. She has been trying her absolute best to get to him better. like a mother would know her child but the more she tried, the more she feels like she is missing.

"I'm so hungry daddy can we stop somewhere?" came Ansar's voice from the back seat of the car. Noor looked away from the window to look at her son with a smile. "no Ansar we are almost home" Zayn told him making the little boy pout. He had eaten like two hours before they left the hospital and he is busy complaining about hunger. Zayn did say he eats a lot. he has a big appetite, like she does.

"how about I cook something for you when we get home?" Noor suggested looking at him with admiration. "but you're not feeling well" he said with a slight frown on his eyebrows. something his father does. "who said so? I feel just fine" she replied. "okay" he exclaimed excitedly while sitting back down.

"I've missed your cooking so much" Zayn told her. "but are you sure you want to get into the kitchen now?" he added looking at her with concern before he averted his eyes to the road. "I feel normal and not sick at all" she assured him with a small smile. The felt great after a week of bed rest. Sure she felt weak the first few days after she woke up but it was gone. she felt just fine.

"if you say so" he muttered before they finally pulled up to the house. Noor didn't get the chance to look at the house properly before they left for the hospital but sure enough, there were little to no changes in the surrounding.

The garden looked more full with plants and flowers and the water fountain looked the same way she remembered. "come on" Zayn had already opened her door for her and he extended his hand to her which she took gladly. she took slow steps to the main door still adjusting to walk properly. her leg muscles were still slightly weak.

Upon entering the house, their nose trills were welcomed with the scent of the incense sticks. The living room looked neat and comfy but there was no sign of anybody in the house. "who cleaned the house?" Noor asked looking around still holding onto Zayn's hands for support. "Amina probably" Zayn answered. "who?" Zayn immediately realized that she didn't know who Amina was. "Ansar's nanny" he told her.

Amina walked out of the kitchen just then and greeted the two with a smile. for some reason, Noor felt a sense of relief wash over her when she saw that Amina was a middle aged woman probably with children of her own. "I hope you're feeling much better now?" Amina asked her with a genuine smile which she returned. "yes, I feel much better" she replied. "masha Allah" she muttered before turning to Ansar.

"let's go so you can freshen up" she called and he nodded before taking her hand. "you also need to freshen up, I will get some refreshments for you from the kitchen but can you climb the stairs on your own?" he asked her. "I will try" she said with a sheepish smile. "you're sure?" he asked narrowly. "yes, I am" she assured him before letting go of his hands to stand on her own.

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