3. Three

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We finally reached a little shop in located inside of a plaza downtown full of little independent stores

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We finally reached a little shop in located inside of a plaza downtown full of little independent stores. As I got off the jeep I walked up to the curb and stretched my legs from the drive. I noticed Teo still sat inside and hadn't got off. I glanced over to see what was keeping him inside still. He kept staring in the rear view mirrors with his jaw clenched and eyes narrowed using the rwar view mirror as his way of seeing behind him. I tileted my head passed the Jeep and noticed a blacked out SUV pull into the parking lot and park two spaces away from us. I looked back at Teo to see what was happening and before ai knew it he quickly got out the car grabbing me by my arm with a strong grip and pulled me inside the dress store hurriedly.

Teo handed me over to a man sitting on a stool at the entrance and told him in Spanish to protect me at all costs. The man gaves Teo a silent nod and the man began pulling me away. Anxiety kicked in and tears begin to fall from eyes without me even noticing that I'm being dragged away by my waist into the back of the store. I could see Teo pulling out his guns and standing by the door waiting for whoever is coming in.

The man took me to the very back of the store were there was a set of stairs leading up into what appeares to be a little apartment. He removed a painting of a battlefield from the wall revealing a crawlspace and signaled for me to get inside. I climb up into the hole and began army crawling on my stomach using my arms and legs to as support to get through until I reached an opening that led into a small dark room that didn't have any windows or light. I sat there in the dark remembering Teo's face as I was pulled away from him.

His face had changed from kind and warm to cold and murderous in the blink of an eye. His black eyes were no longer radiating warmth or kindness instead it was replaced with a dark void. The look of a serial killer.

I sat there in the room with my knees hugged to my chest. Only then did I realize that the dress had ripped from one of the straps and my knees were burning under the dress, feeling them scraped raw and burning from crawling through rugged concrete of the hole.

The room was silent for a while not being able to hear or see anything. Thinking about how such a simple task as picking up a dress now turned into a dangerous game of hiding for my life while Teo was downstairs with guns drawn ready to kill.

The silence was broken as I heard someone crawling in through the hole I came in through. I paniced and began searching the floors with hands as my guides for something to defend myself with. My hands finally touched over what felt like a plank of wood on the floor ,quickly grabbing it I positioned myself on the side of the hole waiting for whoever was crawling in.

I timed the noise to where I could hear them reach the end of the hole. Taking my shot I swung the plank and hit them on their back with all my strength. The mystery person yelped in pain. But that is where ai messed up as that swing wasn't enough to knock them out. I could hear their feet shouffling and walking over the planks of wood on the floor as they regained their composure. The next thing I know a hand reached for my neck and pinned me up against the wall. I feel their body heat as they got closer. My body scared and trembling at first only to realize they had a familiar scent. It was Teo. The grip on my neck tightened, I felt him heavily breathing inching to my neck.

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