14. Fourteen

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I quickly paused and held onto Aleksandra and Zaira and hearded them into a novelty shop right  next to the store I just saw Rafa walk into

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I quickly paused and held onto Aleksandra and Zaira and hearded them into a novelty shop right  next to the store I just saw Rafa walk into. Both groups of guards took different positions in the store and outside the mall to blend in as they had been for most of the trip. I ditched Zaira and Aleksandra at the front of the store where they got distracted by the little jewelry section and made my way to the back of the store to get some privacy.

I took ooff my tote and began shouffling through thebstacks of cash looking for my cellphone. As soon as I found it I quickly pressed one and speed dial Teo.

"Mi reina, everything okay?" Teo asked with concern on the first ring.

"Are your men watching Rafa right now?" I quietly asked.

"Yes, since last night, he hasn't left his house why?

"It's just that he's here, in a maternity store Teo."

"Rosie, that's impossible my guys have been watching him and tracking him, he hasn't left his house at all. "

I sighed a little because the man I saw really did   look like Rafa in the flesh. "Rosie promise me you won't do anything?" Teo pleaded, " I'll send a message to Luis and have someone check him out."

"Okay Teo" I agreed. "Good mi reina enjoy your outing, just be aware that Eryk and Aleksander are going to be here when you arrive Rosie." I said my goodbyes and hung up the phone and made my way back to the front of the store to Zaira and Aleksandra knowing I couldn't judt sit back and let this not be properly investigated.

"Ladies who's up for a little detective work?"

Aleksandra excitedly raised her hand, "Me!" and grabbed onto Zaira.

"Who's the target ? Zaira asked.

"Tall guy, same skin tone as me and you Zaira, black hair wearing a black t-shirt and jeans with  converse in the maternity store next door."

"Got it!" Aleksandra said already making her way out the store with Zaira. As we set foot right out of the store the mystery man walked right by us. He looked so much like Rafa but if it was him he would of recognized Aleksandra and I. Teo's men and the Serafin men were nowhere to be seen outside either.

We began to follow him, keeping a  two stores distance between us. When he finally exited the mall we waited a minute or so before walking out ourselves. When we pushed through the doors we were dumbfounded to see that he was nowhere to be seen. We checked left and right to see what way he could have possibly gone but was no longer in sight.

We ended up walking back inside the mall dumbfounded at how fast Rafa disappeared on us so fast. "How the hell did he disappear so quickly?" Aleksandra asked. "We were right behind him literally "

Luis finally reappeared a couple minutes afterwards, "I've been instructed to take you all back to the Leon's home , except you Ms. Zaira, Mateo has requested that you be taken back to your parents."

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