17. Seventeen

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When I woke up, my entire body was aching from the impact of the car accident

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When I woke up, my entire body was aching from the impact of the car accident. My legs were aching and sore with dried blood on them. as I moved my legs around on the bed I could feel the glass shards digging themselves deeper into my flesh. I lifted myself up to a sitting position and realized I was in a room. The room was so dark and I was so confused from the impact.

"Teo?" I called out weakily hoping for a moment that this was Teo's room I had awakened in.

There was no response to my empty pleas. I forced myself to sit upright at the edge of the bed holding my hand to my head as the world around me still slightly spun. I could hear the floor creaking followed by the sound of a door opening. A shadow came into the room turning on the lights. Finally everything was able to be seen more clear.

A tall man with olive skin stood a couple feet away from the bed. His facial feautures were on the softer side compared to Teo's and his hair black and semi-damp like he had freshly showered. His eyes were a deep shade of green that could pass as brown currently with their sight fixed on me.

He brushed off his suit and looked back up to me. "You're awake Rocio" he smiled.

"Who are you?" I asked my best trying not show that I was afraid.

"My name is Marcel Santos"

He walked closer to the bed and sat at the foot of it. I quickly retreated closer against the headboard.

"I'm not going to hurt you beautiful. If anything I've saved you"

"Save me from what exactly? If anything I need saving from you for having me kidnapped." I replied with anger.

"From the mistake you've made in choosing Mateo as your boyfriend"

"You don't even know me" I hissed.

"I know more about you than you think" he responded lowly.

"Kind of how I know that you feel lonely being separated from your family all because of Angel and Mateo's selfish choices in dragging you into their world and now because of them you're in this mess. We are alike you and me. You see me and my brothers too have suffered at their hands. But enough chit chat for now, you're injured, those wounds on you need cleaning, my brother will come in and take care of that. Afterwards you and I will have dinner."

"And what if I don't want to" I said irritated.

"Sweetheart you don't have an option." He chuckled walking back out of the room closing the door behind him. The door made clicking sound as it locked from the outside.

I quickly tried to focus my breathing to stop my head from spinning and quietly set one foot off the bed followed by the other trying to regain my sense of balance. The room was old and furnished in old Victorian style with heavy gold gilded moth eaten curtains.

I made my way to the door confirming my suspicions about it being locked from the outside. Once my balance was regained I ran to the windows covered with the heavy curtains and pulled them apart revealing a massive window with bars on it from the outside.

Fuck I was really trapped.

The bedroom door clicked again making me run back to the bed as it opened in walked who I thought appeared to be Rafa, only for me to realize as he got closer it was someone much identical to him. Like an identical twin eith the only difference being was a small tattoo of a cross by his right eye.

"Rocio this is Leo, my brother and Rafael's twin" Marcel introduced as he walked in behind Leo.

"Brother?" I asked confused, "Rafael didn't have other siblings except his step sister that died when she was little."

"The Leon's erased us from history." Marcel replied with hate and anger in his voice.

"Clean her up Leo. " Marcel ordered.

Leo began walking towards the bed carrying a small blue basin with cloths, sutures, tweezers and cotton balls and a syringe. As he reached for my legs I kicked him right in the chest causing him to lose his balance and stumbled back dropping the basin and its contents on the floor.

"Get the fuck away from me!" I yelled. Leo regained his composure and stood over me again, raising his hand at me about to go for my face. I flinched as his hand was about to come close, bracing myself anticipating the impact. Except it never did land on my face. I opened my eyes and saw Marcel standing behind Leo gripping Leo's hand tightly. "You fucking lay your hand on her and I'll take your arm Leo" he threatened in an artic cold tone.

Leo lowered his hand rapidly breathing from the kick to his chest, " the fucking bitch kicked me Marcel!"

Marcel quickly grabbed onto Leo's arm again and twisted his fingers all the way back making a snapping sound followed by the painful scream of Leo yelling at the top of his lungs in pain. "The next time you open your mouth, I'll take your arm and your tongue Leo. I'm in charge remember that! Now get the fuck out!" Marcel ordere. Leo stared at Marcel with rage and stormed out of the room.

"Now as for you, I may seem like the patient type but I'm really not. So it's best not to try me Rocio. Stretch your legs for me to help you." Marcel ordered as he pointed to the edge of the bed. I thought about it for a second and then proceeded to scoot down to the edge of the bed. He reached down and picked up the basin and its contents of the floor. He put everything to the side except the syringe and scissors and exited the room again, locking it behind him.

Marcel wasn't stupid and took the most obvious things I could have used as a weapon with him. He came back in moments later with the basin full of water. He took a foot rest from the sitting area and sat on it at my feet and began to wet one of the cloths wringing it out before carefully wiping my legs off all the dirt, blood and debris that was stuck to me. "I do apologize for the way my men transported you here" Marcel apologetically said as he continued to clean my legs, " that was not part of the original plan"

"What plan exactly,? I don't come from money or power for you to have gone to these lengths. "

Marcel ignored me and continued wiping away the wounds. The cloth lodged itself over a piece of glass that was jabbed into my calf making me jump from the pain. Marcel tightly pulled my foot down and slightly turned it carefully using the tweezers to pull it out. He brought out a syringe from his pocket and held it up to show me, "this is a local anesthetic, I need to numb that area to stitch it back up" he explained.

For all I knew it could be poison but I knew I couldn't physically him on. He injected the syringe around the area where the big gash was. I looked away as I saw him bring up the sutures and wire. A couple minutes later, he pulled away said, "you can look now."

I saw my leg had a bunch of stitches behind my calf. I sat quietly still not knowing if I should thank him or try and make a run for it through the unlocked door. "You can't runaway Rocio, out that door are men armed to the bone and if by some miracle you make it passed them, there are more men waiting to shoot anything and anyone on sight outside this house. Now get some rest, I'll send a maid with some clothing for you to wear for our dinner tonight." Marcel said as he picked up the basin and other items.

He walked out the door closing it behind him with the clicking sound that followed leaving me alone in the room.

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