8. Eight

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I headed upstairs and began searching the  closet for something more on the conservative side for tonight's dinner

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I headed upstairs and began searching the  closet for something more on the conservative side for tonight's dinner. My hands were clammy just thinking about the fact that we're telling my godfather  that  Mateo and I were now a couple.

If Nino didn't approve I don't know what I'd do, but I couldn't let Teo leave his father behind. Maybe I could find out where my family was and go to them or go into hiding by myself, but I just couldn't bring myself to have Teo and Nino separate and even worse than that, go head to head with each other.

I changed into a long sleeve beige turtle neck and paired it with some black slacks. I put my hair up into a tight bun with minimal make up on my face, completing the outfit with some black closed toe heels.  I felt like I was going to a job interview but this evening was different for us.

I made my way downstairs towards the dinning room and saw that Nino was sitting at the head of the table already. Just like Mateo has said he set the table up perfectly for us. As I arrived at the table Mateo rose from his chair to pull my chair out right next to his. My godfather was to happy to notice the seating arrangements smiled happily seeing all the food I made. "Wow mija you really went all out with the cooking. It looks delicious!"  I smiled as he reached over serving himself a bit of everything. Teo openes the lid on one of the pots and his eyes lit up like a little boy in a candy store as he saw that  I cooked him his favorite dish. He served himself a hefty portion.  It made me happy seeing them enjoy the food I made. Me on the hand couldn't stomach anything with the nerves knawing at my stomach.

"Aren't you going to eat anything mi niña?" Nino asked. I picked at my food and ate a bit more before telling Nino my stomach wasn't feeling good. As they finished dinner, Teo helped me clean up the dishes and put away the left overs in the fridge. When we finished I pause at the door that leads back into the dinning room sweating bricks from how nervous I was. Teo walked up to me and took my hand in his and gently kissed me, "Mi reina everything will be okay. We got this." He led  me out the door holding onto my hand tightly.  Nino was busy reading emails on his phone when he looked up at us exit the kitchen.


I could tell Rosie's anxious by the way she was cooking so much, since we were little whenever she'd get anxious she'd either bite her nails or fixated on one activity alone, cleaning, cooking, or something else and stuck to that task.

Then I got double confirmation of how she was feeling when she came out dressed like she was going to church or a job interview.

I couldn't help but feel proud that even in her attempts at covering her beauty it still remained unaffected.  The slacks hugging her every curve not even trying to hide her perfect body and that smile that I've seen first hand stop people in their tracks was in full bloom.

I took her hand in mine and walked back out to the dinning room where my father was sitting reading our business emails. He looked up at me and Rosie studying our faces for any hint of fear.

"Everything okay?" My father asked..

I could  feel Rosie tensing up more as he stared at us sternly. I gave her hand a gentle squeeze to reassure her. My father's rage was nothing new to me. I've killed plenty of men before with my bare hands, with a gun, knife, you name it. Nothing has ever caused me fear before and neither is will this, I wish I could reassure Rosie even more.

Father, we have something to tell you.

"Well say it hijo (son), what is it?" He asked with an expressionless face as he set his phone down  he crossed his arms.

Me and Rosie are a couple. We would like for you to know that we are a together that way we can have your blessing.

He sat there expressionless at first. Then his face quickly changed into rage. "Are you planning on making her your wife? Or is she just a quick fuck for you Mateo? I raised you better than to use a woman especially one like Rosie."

La amo papa, -I love her. I will make her my wife.

He looked over to Rosie, " Did he threaten you into this?

"What? No Nino! I've always had feelings for Teo." Rosie violently blushed.

My father's expression lightened up a bit, "very well then so long as Mateo is going to honor in making you his wife you have my blessings."

He Switched his focus back on me, "Mateo if you back out on your word to Rosie there will be a bullet with your name on it. "

"Nino you gotta be joking right?" Rosie asked shocked.

My father looked at her with a serious tone, " No mija, what Mateo is chasing is a risky move that if it fails, will drive a wedge between what we consider sacred: Familia (family). If Mateo's love for you is true then there is nothing to worry about mi niña.

"You both have my blessing, however, until you two get married you will sleep in separate bedrooms understood?" He said with a lighter tone.

I could tell this is my father's way of being happy. Even though he did threaten to put a bullet in my head. That would never happen because Rosie is the only one for me. Always has, always will.

I am the fucking puzzle and she is the missing piece that made the picture whole.

My father callsmed Rosie over for a hug and quietly asked her something that turned her face even more red.

"Not yet Nino! We still haven't even got married yet! " She said laughing out loud.

She rans over to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. My father looked over at both of us happily and excused himself to his studies.

I looked down at Rosie who was smiling brightly at me , bringing my head down for a kiss.


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