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Warning: Mention of murder, blood, and murderous intentions.

"They were outside your house, Big Sis." A few of my bodyguards brought in a group of men, they were tied up and bleeding. "Please have mercy on us." They all kept saying to forgive them and that they won't try to do anything to hurt me or the Beaugendre clan. I got up from my seat and walked over to one of the men bending down and grabbing his injured face. "Were you able to find a tattoo on them?" I spoke in french hearing multiple nos from the guards. "We stripped them down and couldn't find anything." I made eye contact with one of my men. "Did they say why they were at my home?" He moved forward. "Their boss was trying to get intel on you and your father. As well as possibly taking you as hostage for ransom money or deals." I nodded to what he stated.

"Shave the head of this one here. It might one their heads. As for the rest kill them all. Let him live only." I let go of his face as my guards took all of them away. They started screaming and begging not to hurt them and that they have a family and kids. As the screaming faded to the other room I sat down on the chair taking a deep breath and throwing my head back a bit. "Here Big sis." Namjoon handed me a cigarette, "Thanks." I took a puff of it. "Father called, he said it was important for you to call him back."

"The old man didn't say why he was calling?" I took out my phone. "No, he didn't say." And dialed my father's number. "Y/n. Glad to hear from you."I rolled my eyes. "What do you want old man? You rarely call me for anything so cut to the chase." I handed Namjoon the cigarette he started smoking from it, "I scheduled an event that takes place six months from now. You and your brothers need to attend. I'll have my secretary send you the information as well as the address." At that moment my guards returned with the man. "I'm glad you told me ahead of time; this time father." They pushed the man in front of me he fell to his knees one of the guards stomped his foot on the man's back. "Stay down!" And that's when I saw the tattoo.

"Father. Do you remember the Affré clan?" I smiled to myself. "Yes, I know them. Why are you asking?" I start laughing, my men know that things are not gonna go well. "Well, they brook the contract. Ten of their men were at my house trying to get information on us and try to take me hostage." He started laughing too. "Put me on speaker. How many are alive?" I looked at the man that was on the floor. "Just one. The others were killed. You're on speaker father." I placed the phone on speaker and handed it to Namjoon. "This is a message for the only person that is alive. You'll be our little messenger... until your death comes shortly. My Family's clan will go after you and the rest of Affré for breaking our agreement. The contract stated that you would leave my daughter and sons alone as long as I was to share some clan territory with you. But seeing as you have broken that rule your clan will be demolished." He started crying. "Please s-." One of my guards kicked him. "It's already too late. Y/N have one of your dogs take care of the rest." The same guard that kicked him punched the man knocking him. "It's been done, father. I'll see until then." With that, he hung up.

I looked at the man's unconscious body in front of me. "Take him to the Affré territory and leave a note with his body." Two of my guard bowed and took the body with them. "Once those two come back you're all free to go." They all bowed at me and shouted "Thank you, Big sis!" I bowed back at them. "Rest well all of you." I walked out of the warehouse and entered the car outside. I sat in the back waiting for Namjoon and the driver to get in. "What did father want?" I looked at Namjoon. "He has an event in 6 months he wants me and you guys to attend." I sighed looking out the window. "It's properly something stupid, but I have to go this time." I got out of the car and headed to Taehyung's apartment.

"You're late today. What happened?" Taehyung was sitting on the couch watching TV. "I forgot we had dinner planned for today." I sat down next to him throwing my head back and looking up at the ceiling. "Namjoon called and told me what happened, I rescheduled the dinner for tomorrow since you couldn't make it." The dinner was with my father and some other elite mafia members, my father had talked to them about me and they wanted to meet me. "Damn sis I never thought you had dad's blood in you." I lightly smacked his head I smile and laughed a bit. "So... how do you feel?" He placed his hand in mine. "I'm okay, I'm gonna go take a shower. Can you order some food to eat?" I got up. "Yeah, I'll order something." I made my way towards the bedroom closed the door behind me and headed towards the shower.

Crimson Ties: The Mafia Bride [18+]Where stories live. Discover now