Twenty Seven

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I walked down the halls of my apartment complex heading towards the elevator, when my phone rang. I picked up the phone without looking at the call id, "What is it?" I entered the elevator leaning against the wall.

 "Hey I have a favor to ask you Joon?" it was Y/ n, I stayed silent waiting for her to continue, "I need you to meet me at work. I need your help with something." I smiled to myself knowing what she meant, "Sure I can help out. I'll meet you there in a few minutes." As I hung up the phone reaching ground level and headed towards my car. Its rare for her to ask for my help... "Who did you capture this time y/n?"

I arrived at y/n's hideout and was greeted by her men, new faces greeted me... who I could assume were jungkooks men. As I entered the building the was a loud noise of a child screaming and banging sounds. I walked towards the noise seeing y/n standing at the door. "Torture?" I asked her, as I got closer "I'm trying to break him for you." As I got closer I looked at the one way glass. There was a box in the middle of the room, "He's in there?" I asked her, she nodded. "Learned from the best, I see... What information are you wanting from him?"

 "He's from the Chauve clan...." Isn't that Jin's clan? Does Y/n know? It doesn't seem like she does. Of course since she was in Paris for many years she doesn't know much about who's clans is whos. "What information have you gotten from him so far?"

 Y/n started counting with her fingers, "Clan name, their name... and A half ass excuse on why he was watching me and Jungkook few days back... So I barely have any information." 

I pat her head, "I'll take it from here and see what I can do." 

 "Thanks, I gotta go see you in a week or so." She waved good bye and left. "How long has he been in there?" I asked one of her men. "About how hours sir."

 "Good let him out and bring him to that room over there." I pointed towards the room, "Understood sir." He signaled the others to follow him. I walked towards the room and waited for them to enter. 

Within a few minutes they walked in with a men dragging him and setting him down on the chair in front of me. His head was down as he kept mumbling to himself. "Muk Eun-Soo, it's been awhile hasn't it." He looked up at me. His skin becoming pale at the site of me. "Why so scared? Seems like you saw a ghost or..." I stood up grabbing a fist full of his hair, "Is it because you know your gonna get killed by the devil himself?" A few tears slid down his face, "You know my rules of the game..." Letting go I sat back down on the chair taking out my gun, "Speak up... Or forever rest in peace." I loaded the gun and pointed towards his leg, "not the best title.. But," I shrugged my shoulders, "In case you don't remember the rules, let me refresh your memory." 

 "Say something that's a lie you get shoot. Say something I don't like you get shoot. And this time since you left our clan... you most likely gave the Chauve clan information about us."

 "Nononono, I haven't giv-" I shoot a bullet between his feet, he flinched "hmm looks like I missed..." gloaking the gun back I looked at him again, "As I was saying you'll be killed this time."

 "Now answer truthfully or the next time I won't mess... Now, what were you doing watching my sister and her husband. What's Chauve clan up to?" I asked him.

He stayed silent I snapped my finger getting his attention, "Hey I asked a question, answer it!"

"I don't know. They assigned me to watch a report to them every thing they do, but they didn't say why." I sighed, "Muk Eun-Soo... Remember whose holding the gun." I waved the gun, "I-I I I'm saying truth. They only told me to watch and report." I sighed, "How's your son doing?" The room grew tense, "He's seven now isn't he."

 "You wouldnt..." I looked at him pointing the gun towards he's head, "Maybe I would, Maybe I wouldn't who knows... but, you know the rules when joining a clan. Family members are also effected by their parent stupidity."

"So again," pointing the gun at his foot I took the shot, he screamed with tears running down his face. "What were you doing watching my sister? What's your clans plan?"

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