Thirty One

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I woke up lying in bed with Jungkook beside me. "Good morning. Did you sleep well?" I slowly sat up of bed. "Yeah, I'm still tried, though." When did we sleep in the same bed? "Your families coming over for dinner later today." Jungkook wrapped his arms around me, holding me in a tight embrace. I winced, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing just felt like something hit me." When did I sleep with him... weren't we at a meeting... "Hey, get dressed. I'll go make dinner for all of us."

He kissed my cheek and got out of bed. I still don't understand stand what happened. I looked at surroundings something seemed off.

There was a pain in my chest and coughed up something that i can only assume is blood. I looked at my hands where the blood was and it was gone... where is i-?

"Y/n come in get out of bed princess."

Right I have to get dressed... the day seemed to have gone by so quickly none of it was making sense to me. I got dressed and waited for my family to show. There was a knock on the door

Mom why is she here? She walked past me.

"I..." I felt my heart sank. Why is she here? I saw her die I... I was with her at the hospital when she died! "Y/n can you help with these." Taehyung spoke snapping me out of whatever thought I had. "Yeah coming." I started couching, I covered my mouth something came out... "Flower petals?" I looked around seeing if anyone noticed

Am I

Am I dreaming?

I felt a darkness taking over and my surroundings became distorted. One by one everyone was killed of an unknown being. I killed here them screaming. I quickly ran towards my mom holding on to her tight as I could. I don't want to lose her, I barely got to talk to her and now she's gonna die again right in front of me.

"You know I'm not real, don't you." I held her tighter in my arms crying as I did. "You need to wake up y/n. He needs you to wake up." I buried my face into her neck, "I can't, you know that... please dont leave me mom... i can't do this anymore... i need you... Dad, he keeps trying to kill me and i... i miss you mom....i need you!"

"Sweetie, you know what you need to do about your father." She cupped my face wiping away the tears, "You don't need me, and I don't need you. Jungkook needs you. WAKE! UP!" She pushed me and I began to fall. As I fell I could a darkness consume her and she was gone.

I gased for air and started coughing. It's cold. Where?


"Y/n!" My vision was blurry but I could hear his voice, it was Jungkook. "Y/n Im so glad you're awake. I... we were drugged and kidnapped." I placed my hand on his cheek.

"Why are you shirtless?" I questioned him in a weak tone in my voice. "You nearly died and that's the first question you ask?" He laughed, holding me in his arms. Jungkook came into view and can could see he was hurt and tears were sliding down his face, "I'm okay bean." He held me tighter, "You really need to come up with a better nickname for me, princess."

I looked around, "So we're in a freezer?"

"Yeaah, can you stand? We need to move around to keep our bodies warm." Jungkook stood up, "I need help getting up." He offered his hand.

I know I'm bleeding and have bruises and injuries everywhere on my body, but I can't focus on that right now. Nor do I want to, once the pain kicks in I can't continue.

"The other day on the full moon... did you know this was going to happen?" He asked. "The note Sun-Woo gave me... it revealed something like that."

"What do you mean?"

"The note stated, on the night of a full moon, there will be a tragedy that will take place. You will meet with someone important to your cause and be taken to be tortured after. The rest of the note was him saying that he will resign and that he only did it to protect his daughter." I've known Sun-Woo since I was a little kid, he was my mom's driver... I never thought he would betray my me. "You were able to decode the rest of the note. How?"

"My friend from France helped me translate the rest. I did order for a new driver to take us but I guess that guy was also working for the enemy."

"Y/n im sorry to say this, but if we make it out of here alive... we're gonna have to kill your father." Jungkook stated.

"I know... I'll be the one to end his life."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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