Twenty Two

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After a month of being married, we moved in together, I moved into Jungkook's apartment since he has four bedrooms and I only have two. I'm staying in the bedroom downstairs while he's upstairs.

"So, you mainly have black clothing... Do you not have any other cloth?" Jungkook walked into my room, "Sir..." I turned around to look at him. "You should not be talking I saw your closet and it was filled with white t-shirts and timberlands... Plus I like wearing black when I go out."

"Right gotta keep that Mobster baddie image, right?" I turned back around rolling my eyes and continued unpacking my stuff. "Do you need help? I can help you." He sounded like a lost little dog, "No, I got it. Didn't you have a date or something tonight?" He didn't answer me, "You know we're not married it's just a contract for the Clans, so you can date anyone you want."

"No, I had a date... she canceled. She saw me on some news article about our wedding." Right I forgot we were the most talked about topic in Korea. "What's this?" He picked up a piece of paper that was lying on the bed. I got up to look at it, "My driver handed it to me this morning, I'm not sure what it says." He turned the page over, "It's in Japanese," Japanese? Jungkook knows Japanese? "What does it say?" I asked while crossing my arms.

"On the day of a full moon, you will find a chilling discovery. This discovery can determine life or death. The rest is written in Chinese and other languages why would he give you this?" We both narrowed our eyes staring at the paper, "I'm not sure, he said it was important."

"Hmm, I guess you'll have to decipher its meaning." He handed me the paper, I sighed to myself holding the paper, "I guess so." I placed the paper down on my bed again and continued unpacking, Jungkook was still in my room. "Yo, I don't need help you can leave now. You're just standing there like a lost bean."

"I'm a bean now? This is your second time calling me that, it's quite concerning... Do you need glasses or some shit like that?" He started laughing I threw a pillow in his direction and stood up, "Get out." He walked out of my room closing it behind him, I smiled to myself.

After a few hours, I finally unpacked everything it was now 8:00 pm. I looked at the letter that Sun-Woo gave me and used a translator to try and decipher its meaning, but I kept hitting dead ends. I deceived to get some snacks to eat and some beer while working on this. About thirty minutes later Jungkook made it home, he was out for a bit working out at the gym. "Y/n! You here!?" He walked into my room without even knocking. "Dude learn how to know knock dumb ass."

"How much have you been drinking?" He crouched down beside me taking the already open beer can and drinking from it. "Just a little. This damn letter is driving me nuts!" I opened another can and chugged it down, Jungkook stopped me before I could try and finish the rest. "This isn't good for you. How about we go to the pool to clear your mind for a bit?"

I sighed getting up from my seat and headed out with him, I grabbed my phone and we walked out the door of the house. We went downstairs and walked over to the pool area, there was no one here. I got in the water swimming a bit to clear my mind. This whole thing has been such a stressful event I haven't had time for myself these past few days. I'm glad Jungkook told me to come here.

"Mind if I join you." I looked at Jungkook who was standing at the stairs almost completely in the water. "Sure." He swam over to me, "Do you feel a bit better?"

"A bit, I've been stressed out with everything, I haven't had the chance to breathe yet." He got closer to me. "Your side of the clan sucks." Jungkook stated, I chuckled, "You're telling me, they're all old-fashioned idiots that only follow my father."

"Speaking about your father... What actually happened between you two? I spoke with your father the other day he said he sent you away because you were disobedient and tried to kill him a few times. Is that true?" I swam over to the pool stairs he followed. "One part is true... yes I tried to kill him." We both sat down next to each other our feet swaying back and forth in the water. "I'm only telling you this since we're married by force now and business partners."

"The real reason why he kicked me out was because my mother died. I know it sounds stupid but it's true, believe me, it is. My mother was everything to me and the day I lost her, I lost everything. My "Friends" ignored me, turns out they were only friends with me because their moms wanted to get closer to my mom. My father didn't even care that she passed away, the same day of the funeral he was sleeping with some lady he just met. That lady poisoned his mind and told him lies about me..."

I took a deep breath looking at Jungkook, he looked back at me. "He tried to kill me... I couldn't take it anymore so I snapped and tried to kill him... I wanted to just end his life that day but I didn't, it was... it is my biggest regret. He sent me away to live in Paris he tried to hire assassins to kill me there."

I looked down at my feet through the water, and I laughed a bit, "I found out a few years later while in France that my mother's death was not caused by her heath..." Tears rolled down my cheek. "Instead he killed her. My mother was going to reveal the truth about him; how toxic and abusive my father has been to her and me. And everything regrading the mafia. He killed her for trying to speak out." I started crying, He wrapped his arms around me; holding me in a hug, I could feel his heart beating faster as he tightened his hold on me.

"I've heard so many different stories about you forcibly living in Paris. One of them is about you asking your father for lunch money and he got mad at you." He moved his hands patting my back, "I told my brother to say that just in case someone were to ask. My father doesn't know that I found out about him killing my mom." Jungkook let out a small grunt, I buried my face into his chest and closed my eyes. "Hmm, I see. If you ever wanna talk abo- about anything. I'm here. I'll listen to you."

He pulled me away from the hug, holding my face in his hands, and wiped away my tears, "It's not healthy for someone to hold that much trauma and not talk about it."

"I'm slightly drunk, so don't expect me to open up all the time." We both chuckled a bit and he moved in closer to me. Our lips touched, and he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer and we kissed. Kissing him felt like I got a small weight was lifted off my shoulders. I was so lost in his touch that I wanted more than just kissing. He grabbed my hands placing them on his chest, our foreheads pressed together, "Do you wanna go home we can finish there."

"Jungkook, I feel like we-" My phone started ringing. "I have to get that." Getting out of the water I walked over to the pool bench and picked up my phone it was Taehyung. "Yeah what's up?" I looked over at Jungkook who was now getting out of the water. "Where the hell are you guys? Jungkook's brother and I have been knocking on your doors non stop! We got drinks!"

"Taehyung, calm down we're at the pool. I just needed some fresh and Jungkook tagged-a-long." He place his hand on my hip and lightly kissed my neck before walking past me, this sent shivers down my spine."Was I interrupting something?" Taehyung whispered through the phone.

"No, no, at all. We'll be heading upstairs see you in a bit." I hung up and walked towards the door. "Our brothers are waiting upstairs for us they brought drinks." He opened the door for me, "Let's go then." He sounded upset I just followed behind him until we got home. Taehyung, Namjoon, and the rest were at the door waiting. They all went inside and I went to my room. "Y/n come drink with us!"

"I drank earlier. I'm going to bed. Night guys."

I closed my door and got in the shower. Thinking about what just happened at the pool gave me chills... I wanted more but at the same time I was scared...

I'm not ready for any sort of relationship...

Crimson Ties: The Mafia Bride [18+]Where stories live. Discover now