Chapter 2: Stopping the Drill

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Bob grunted as he dodged all the rocks flying at him. The drill had gone underground and Bob was trying to break his way in.

"Come on!" He said in frustration, when a large rock hit him in the face and sent him flying off the drill.

He spit a rock out of his mouth and grit his teeth together.


The drill stopped in an opening that had dozens of holes and tunnels already drilled. The Underminer rose out of the drill on his platform again.

"Consider yourself, Undermined!" He hit a button and multiple explosions happened, causing a several buildings, including a bank to fall underground.

The Underminer opened a safe and turned on a giant vacuum and started sucking the money into the drill.

Bob walked up behind him and placed his hands on his hips for dramatic effect.

"Underminer! We meet again..."

The Underminer turned with the vacuum and accidentally sucked Bob into it, sending him inside his drill.

"Oh, great! Now he's on the agenda." He groaned.

Once the Underminer finished getting all the money, he hopped back into his drill and started rolling away.

Bob punched his way out of the safe and was hit in the back by Underminer.

"Incredible! Meet Jack Hammer!" The Underminer took one of his metal hands and made it bounce like a Jack Hammer.

The Underminer punched Bob, and Bob punched him back. Underminer grabbed Bob's hands when he went to hit him again, but Bob flung Underminer over him and into his control panel.

The drill started moving upwards making Bob and Underminer fall back. The Underminer grabbed onto the open door of the vault and flung himself inside.

The vault converted into a mini drill and The Underminer escaped back into the ground.

Bob climbed up to the control panel and tried to pull a lever to keep the drill from breaching, up the lever broke.

"No! No, no, no, no, no!"

The drill burst out of the ground causing people to scream and run.


Back at the track stadium, Dash and (Y/n) noticed the giant puff of smoke and tried to keep people back.

"Everybody, stay back! Okay? Stay back!"

Dash grabbed (Y/n)'s hand and pulled her towards the commotion, passing Vince and Jack-Jack.

"You're not sticking me with babysitting!" He yelled.


Helen used her limbs to swing onto the drill and Bob climbed out.

"I can't steer it or stop it. And the Underminer's escaped!" He informed her.

"We'll have to stop it from...Bob! The monorail!" Helen screamed.

The drill connected with the monorail track and the monorail started falling off. Before it hit the ground, a trail of ice formed underneath it and a man in a blue and white super suit was skating along his own ice trail.

"Frozone! Yeah!" Bob exclaimed.

Frozone lead the monorail somewhere safe while Bob and Helen tried to stop the drill.

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