Chapter 13: Evelyn's True Colors

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Bob woke up on the couch and noticed his shoes were on the floor and and Dash was sitting near him eating cereal.

Vince entered the room with (Y/n) following behind him carrying a cup of coffee for him.

"We thought it was best to let you sleep. Seventeen hours." He smiled, and grabbed the girls hand.

"How you feeling Mr. Parr?" (Y/n) asked him.

Bob chuckled. "Super."

He looked down and noticed their intertwined hands.

"So, I assume everything is good between you two again?"

"Yeah, we're good." (Y/n) answered, looking up at Vince and smiling. Vince smiled back and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.


"I can't tell you how much I appreciate you watching Jack-Jack for me, E." Bob praised as he followed Edna and Jack-Jack down the hall.

Jack-Jack and Edna were walking similarly and Jack-Jack was wearing a red outfit had a big swirly lollipop.

"Yes, I'm sure your gratitude is quite inexpressible. Don't ask me to do it again darling. My rates are far to high."

"Oh, uh..."

"I'm joking Robert I enjoyed the assignment. He is bright and I am stimulating. We deserve each other."

She glanced at Jack-Jack who was still sucking on his lollipop.

"Your child is a polymorph. Like all babies, he has enormous potential. It is not unknown for supers to have more than one power when young but this little one has many."

Jack-Jack gave her a look and a hand gesture that said. "Oh, stop."

"Yes, you have many powers." Edna cooed.

Edna picked up Jack-Jack and punched in a code, Jack-Jack did the hand scan and the eye scan and the voice identifier.


The three entered Edna's work room and made their way to the room with the glass wall.

"I understand your lack of sleep and coherency Robert. Babies can be anything, and your child is no exception. He has pure unlimited potential Robert."

Edna opened the door to the room and placed Jack-Jack inside.

"He slept while I worked in a creative fever. Auntie Edna stayed up all night making sure you look fabulous in your many forms."

She stepped out leaving Jack-Jack in the room.

"What are you...You're putting him in the..."

"In the chamber, Robert. He is part of the demonstration and will be fine." Edna promised.

"Your challenge is to manage a baby who has multiple powers and no control over them, yes?"

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