Chapter 9: The Plan

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Bob opened the waffle maker and pulled out the waffle he had made and placed it on a plate in front of Vince's place.

Said boy, trudged down the stairs and sat down at the counter.

"Tony's a jerk and superheroes suck." He deadpanned.

"Good morning." Bob responded.

"He takes one look at me in that suit and and decides that I'm not good enough for (Y/n), and that he doesn't even know me."

"Well, he's protecting her. I mean, it's not easy for a Super and a civilian to be in a relationship. If he really did see you it's best that he forget." Bob told him.

"Maybe it's better for you too." He ducked into the fridge. "I can't tell you how many memories Dicker's had to erase over the years when someone figured out your mother's or my identity."

Bob closed the fridge and saw a very angry Vince standing behind it.

"It was Dicker! You told him about Tony!"


"You had me erased from Tony's mind! And now he doesn't remember that I like (Y/n), and he's probably trying to pursue her right now!" Vince pushed past Bob and stormed up the stairs.

He then stormed back downstairs holding his supersuit. "I hate superheroes and I renounce them!" He dumped his suit in the sink and turned on the garbage disposal.

Bob and Dash stared as the suits arms flailed around. Vince pulled it out, but there wasn't a scratch on it.

"I renounce them!" He bit the suit with his teeth and tried to rip it before letting out a yell and throwing it against the wall, and stomping back up to his room.

"Is he having adolescence?" Dash asked.


Helen sat in a car reading the paper when she heard chanting outside of the window. "What's going on Tommy? A protest?" She asked the driver.

"They're here in support." He answered.

"Support? Support of what?"

"Well, in support of you."

Helen rolled down her window and waved at the crowd. She noticed a little girl standing in front holding a sign.

"Hello. What's your sign say?"

The girl turned her sign and it said 'Screenslaver is STILL out there.'

Helen frowned as the car drove away.


Helen entered Winston's office and saw him on the phone.

"Hello? Ellenwood. Oh, now you wanna return my calls about superheroes, huh? Oh. I'll have to call you back. Oh, that felt good."

Winston looked up and noticed Elastigirl standing there.

"Hey! It's working! Hey, the Ambassador made the big speech about superheroes today. Turns out saving someone's life makes a good impression on them. Who knew, huh? I'm getting calls from all over the world. Media awareness is up 72%. The push for superhero legalization is becoming a worldwide movement! I have big plans for our next move."

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