Chapter 3: Dinner Discussion

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"Superheroes, including Frozone, Mr. Incredible, and Elastigirl, caused further damage to the city. The Underminer remains at large."  A news reporter stated.

Meanwhile, two cops were interrogating Bob and Helen about the incident.

"We didn't start this fight!" Bob yelled.

"Well you didn't finish it either!" One cop yelled back.

"Did you stop the Underminer from inflicting more damage?" The other cop asked.


"Did you stop him from robbing the banks?"


"Did you catch him?"


"The banks were insured. We have infrastructure in place to deal with these matters. If you had simply done nothing...everything would now be proceeding in an orderly fashion!"

The two cops stood up and started walking out of the room.

"You'd have preferred we do nothing?" Bob asked incredulously.

"Without a doubt."

The two cops passed Rick Dicker who was sitting in the corner of the room.

"Well you were no help." Bob grumbled.

"You want out of the hole, first you gotta put down the shovel."


The family sat in a car, being driven to their home.

"Well, that went poorly." Bob said.

"Dad, this is probably not the best time to tell you about this but...something else happened today. With a kid...and my mask..." Vince explained.

The van dropped them off at a motel and Bob walked over to the passenger side window where Rick was while the rest of the family stood to the side.

"Oh, hey, Rick. Vince thinks a friend of his, a kid named Tony might have seen him in the outfit, without him mask." Bob explained.

"Talkative type?"

"Don't know. Last name is Rydinger."

Rick wrote his name down on a notepad. "Tony Rydinger. I'll check him out."

Bob turned to leave, but Rick called him back.

"Bob, Helen, a word if you don't mind. Uh...the program's been shut down." He told them.


"Politicians don't understand people who do good simply because it's right. It makes them nervous. They've been gunning for Supers for years. Today was all they needed. Anyway...I'm done. I'm afraid two more weeks in the motel is the best I can do for ya. It ain't much..."

"You've done plenty, Rick." Helen said, hugging him.

"We won't forget." Bob added.

"Well, it has been a great honor working with you good people."

"Thanks for everything. And good luck." Bob shook his hand.

"Yeah. You too." The van pulled away, leaving Helen and Bob in the parking lot.


It was nighttime now, and the family was sitting down for dinner, which was takeout.

Dash reached for an egg roll when Vince stopped him.

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