Chapter 4: The Offer

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Helen, Bob and Lucius exited the car that took them to DevTech. The driver handed them security badges.

"Your security badges. Please, this way."

Bob and Helen walked forward, but the driver stopped Lucius.

"Hey, listen, you're my biggest fan...I mean, I'm your biggest fan..."

"Good to see you." Lucius greeted as he walked away.



The three rode up the elevator that took them high above the city, and they entered a very fancy looking room.

"I love Superheroes!" A man exclaimed. Winston Deavor descended down a giant staircase. "The powers, the costumes, the mythic struggles. Winston Deavor. You can call me Win. Genuine pleasure to meet you all."

He turned to Lucius and shook his hand. "Frozone! Good to see you."

He turned to Helen and shook her hand as well. "Elastigirl."

"Nice to meet you." She greeted.

"Mr. Incredible!"


"Mr. Incredible, Incredible..." he sang, and Bob joined in.

"Incredible! Catching the bad guys, pow, pow, pow!"

Winston then turned to Lucius.

"Who's the cat, who's always chill, when surviving odds, are close to nil. Frozone, Frozone..."


Behind them, a woman had entered the room carrying multiple things and she struggled to hand them all to the person at the door.

"Can't tell you what a thrill this is. And this..." he gestured to the woman who had just arrived.

She had short brown hair, and blue eyes, and was wearing a white sweater and jeans.

"Oh, hello, there, superheroes. I'm so sorry I'm late." She apologized.

"...Is my tardy sister, Evelyn."

"And I'm scolding myself so you don't have to Winston." She playfully said.

"Spectacular." Winston gestured to a painting of an older man that was on the wall.

"My father was so proud that I was even remotely connected to you guys. He used to call you the Last Line of Defense. He was your top supporter."

Winston looked proudly at the painting.

"He donated to superhero causes. He raised money for the Dynaguy statue in Avery Park. He got to know many Supers personally. Even installed a phone with direct lines to Gazerbeam and Fironic in case of emergencies. He loved that, showed it off to everyone."

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