Chapter 7: Jack-Jack vs. Raccoon

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Bob placed Jack-Jack in his crib and turned the lamp off. He was about to leave the room, when he paused. He put a table upside down on the crib and some books on top of that, to make sure Jack-Jack stayed in there this time.

Bob quietly exited the room and noticed Vince sitting in front of the window in the living room with his arms around his knees.

"Vince? Why are you back so early...?"

"Don't...say anything." Vince said, standing up and running up to his room.


Bob knocked gently on the door.

"It's dad. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I don't want to talk about it." Vince replied.

"Well, okay then. I'll leave you alone."

"It was a complete disaster!" Vince blurted out.

Bob jumped but stayed by the door to listen to him.

"When we got to the theater we got popcorn and soda, and everything was going great! Then, halfway through, I moved the soda over to her and was going to ask if she wanted some, but I accidentally poked her in the eye with the straw!" He yelled.

"I tried to apologize and lean over to help, but then I dropped the entire drink onto her lap!"

"Then she screamed and jumped up and rushed off to the bathroom, and I tried to follow her to say I'm sorry, but on the way there I was so nervous and panicky, when I put my hand out to try and grab her shoulder, I lost control of my powers and put up a forcefield right in front of her and she ran right into it!"

"She fell on the floor holding her head and I rushed off to get her an ice pack, but when I came back, guess who just happened to show up? None other than perfect Tony Ridenger!"

"He helped her clean up and kept asking if she was okay, and I was so embarrassed and ashamed that I just...I just ran away! I left her stranded at the movie theater...with Tony!"

Bob just stood there, speechless. Trying to find the right words to help.

"Well, I'm sure if you just talk to (Y/n) and tell her that it was an accident..."

"Talk to her?! I won't even be able to look at her! I ruined my chance, and she'll probably break off our friendship because of this! She's never going to go out with me again!"

"I'm sure that's not true! (Y/n)'s a very understanding girl."

"No, I never even should have tried! She's way out of my league."

"Well, maybe I could talk to her instead?" Bob offered.

"No! Don't!"

"She might listen to me..."

"Dad! If you want me to feel better, then stay out of it! Please?" Vince begged.

Bob sighed, and started walking away, when he heard the TV on. He rushed downstairs and saw Jack-Jack sitting on the couch holding the remote. Bob sighed.


Jack-Jack was sitting on Bob's lap, who was fast asleep, watching a movie that had a robbery in it. The screen showed the robber in a black mask opening the cash register.

Jack-Jack heard a noise and looked outside the window to see a raccoon digging through the trash.

Jack-Jack noticed how the raccoon looked like the robber and angrily started crawling towards the glass door. The raccoon noticed Jack-Jack and hissed at him. Jack-Jack leaned on the glass doors and teleported right through it.

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