Chapter 6: Incounters and discovery

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Chapter 6

Flashback to 12 years ago.


"So this is the deal mkay princy? I will keep my mouth shut from telling Lucy what's been going on under this castle's roof but on one condition.." The person said walking up to Stolas and lifting his chin up with a finger "i'll do anything!" Stolas pleaded "you be my own personal little toy, i get to tell you what to do and you MUST obey me, you deceive me even the slightest and i will make sure to tell Lucy every single detail of information that i know about you and Stella's whole 'relationship'"

Stolas was hesitant for a bit and looked away feeling uncomfortable with these terms then looked back at the person "w-what if i get into a serious relationship with someone!" "Hmm.. if that happens then i wont treat you like my boy toy till you're out of the relationship and i wont tell Lucy anything hehe but of course that probably wont happen" the person said with a dark smirk.

"So is that a deal?" They said as they took their hand out Stolas took a deep breath then hesitantly took his hand out.

"Yes Valentino"

Back to present time.


"Hello again..bluebell.." 'no.. no no no.. it's him..' "V-Valentino!? W-what are you doing here??" I exclaimed as i out my arms behind me to try and hide them. "Well it's pretty simple really, i came to check on you! Still with that stupid imp of yours? Or did he leave?~" he said in a dark tone "n-no im still with him.. you.. you shouldn't be here!" I yelled. "Now now Bluebell that's no way to treat the person who's in control of you.."

"you're in no control over me Val.. havn't been for the past 2 years and I never will be!"

"Aww come on Bluebell! Those 10 years we spent together.. you completely under my control, obeying my every order.. hehe the way you would break and cry under me.. the delicious fear and horror in your eyes once i put you in your place.. your sounds.. your cries for mercy.. looking absolutely ravishing for me to break and rip apart.. your-" i cut off his rant by smacking him in the face. "How DARE you speak to me that way Valentino, let me remind you that you are under my roof and i am under no restraints!" I defended.

He turned and looked at me giving me a dark glare "dont forget what i know about YOU Stolas. One word to Lucifer and you're in deep shit!" "Oh fuck off trying to be on a high horse Valentino! Let me remind YOU who has the most power here! And don't forget that our deal is that as long as im taken you cant say a single word nor have control over me. I'm not scared of you if that's what you think!"

He then started to slowly walk towards me and back me into a wall as he looked down on me holding one of his hands up to my face and lifting it harshly to look at him. I flinched slightly and he chuckled "doesn't seem like it~" "d..dont forget i still have my magic dumb ass..! Lay one more finger on me outside of the deal and.. i'll snap your spine" i tried defending not sounding too confident. His face seemed to shift into one of thought "right.. your powers.. mhm.." he slowly let me go and started to step away "well it's been lovely seeing you again Bluebell, expect to see me again later.." he said lowly then started walking to the door "oh and one more thing, you should really find a way to hide those scars of yours, seems like i have another thing i have to tell Lucy about you" he chuckled darkly and left as i stayed there frozen in place.

'He.. he say my arms.. shit shit shit what can i do now!? Well this does have something to do with me and Stella's whole ordeal so he can't tell Lucifer because of the deal so that's good i guess.

Time skip once Blitzø finishes.


"Hey Mox Mills can you guys lock up today, i gotta go somewhere quick" Blitzø said with a wide smile as i cleaned up my clothes from blood after the last job of the day. "Oh eh.. sure?" Mox said "ooo what's gotten you in a happy mood all of a sudden Blitzø?~" I said teasingly as i raised an eye brow "nothing much just gotta go see someone!" He quickly said putting on his jacket "someone huh?~ i dont suppose it's someone special? Like maybe the prince?~" I teased again.

"No answer!" He finally yelled as he tossed the keys to Mox and quickly left and closed the door.

"It's definitely the prince, I vote Stolitz as their ship name!" I finished.

Time skip to when Blitzø made it.


I took a deep breath while i had a big smile then was about to climb Stolas' castle wall when i saw someone come out. I squint a bit and i recognize who it is "is that Valentino..?" I mumbled to myself before knocking the thoughts to the back of my head and climbed up to Stolas' balcony.

When i got there i heard some arguing inside so I chose to listen in. "You better not have broken that deal with him Stolas! If i find out that you did and he's going to tell Lucifer everything i will ruin you!" I hear someone scream, probably Stolas' bitch of a wife as i hear a pot smash onto the floor. "No Stella the deal is still up" i hear Stolas speak. 'He sounds so done with her shit' i thought to myself as i hear stomping signaling that she's leaving.

"Well that was something.." i said as i entered the room "Blitzy! How much did you hear..?" He said panicked "eh just the last bit, nothing much, already forgot what you where talking about! So.. how are ya?" I responded casually as i jumped onto his bed on instinct "better now that you're here" he said as he walked up to me and i took my jacket off leaving it on the bedside table. "How about i shack some of that stress off ya?" I said lust lacing my voice.

"Actually.. i just wanted to have a peaceful evening.. how about we just talk, can i know more about you Blitzø?" He asked giving me such a cute pleading face. I chuckled then moved his face away from my face with a finger on his beak "pff how can i resist such an adorable face?" I stated jokingly feeling a confident to compliment him which in proud of doing once i saw his face flush pink at the compliment.

We stayed talking for a while until i saw the time and it read 10 pm and i got a notification on my phone which read a text message from Loona. It said "Blitzø we're out of food, can you buy some on your way back?" I responded with a "sure sweetie" and she replied with a black heart. I smiled at that and i felt Stolas reading the texts over my shoulder "you're daughter seems nice" he said "yea, me and her have been going to some family relationship therapy shit on Earth, in disguises obviously, and we've been getting closer! I actually took her to a party of one of her hell hound friends and I'm pretty sure she and another hell hound have a crush on each other cause they always go to everyone of these parties just to see each other mostly" i explained with slight irritation in my voice but then took a breathe

"i know she's old enough to be in a relationship, it's just.. hard seeing my little girl grow up you know?" I said looking at Stolas. "Yes I understand" he replied and he gave me a small smile and i smiled back.

I felt the urge to lean in so i did and so did he. Eventually out lips collided and we started kissing, not a rough and lustful kiss but rather a soft and loving one. I deepened it a bit and pinned him onto the bed carefully sliding my claws down from his hands to his wrists and arms. Once i did tho i felt him flinch slightly which made me confused so i broke the kiss taking breaths and giving him a confused look.

"What was-" "em i think it's time for you to go Blitzy, it's getting late and i really have to go and pick Octavia up from.. something! And im sure you need to go and buy that food as well, yk before the stores close!" Stolas quickly said franticly cutting me off but i didnt think much of it. "Em alright then, i er.. i had fun talking with you Stolas" i admitted with a soft smile. He relaxed and gave me a smile as well and responded saying "me too". I got up and walked tot he balcony "no wait you dont have to go from there! Pringles! Can you take Blitzø the exit please? I dont want him getting hurt by falling down the balcony again" he stated "of course your highness! Follow me Sir Blitzø" Pringles said to me as i followed him. Before leaving I remembered something "oh suit i forgot my jacket! Hey can i go back to Stolas' room real quick? I forgot my jacket" i asked "of course Sir! I'll be waiting for you here" Pringles said and i quickly ran to Stolas' room.


Once Blitzø left and the door was just I deactivated the cloaking spell revealing my cuts again. I took a deep breath and relaxed 'i feel a bit guilty for hiding this from Blitzø but i know that he would find me disgusting if he found out..'

Suddenly the door opened and i froze as i looked at the door to see who barged in "hey Stolas, sorry i left my jack-" he then froze looking at me, my cuts in full view



Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I'm going to try and post at least one chapter per week so look forward for more frequent updates! Love you all!! 💕💕💕

I just want some love.. (Stolitz) (Stolas Angst)Where stories live. Discover now