Chapter 17: A love felt talk

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I went into the room, not sure about what I was going to do or say, so I just walked absentmindedly towards the chair next to Stolas' bed and sat down. I kept looking at his body laying still on the bed. I decided to say something.

"Hey Stols, I know you probably aren't hearing me now but em.. I came to visit" I started nervously and slightly awkward "I know that it took me a while to come visit you, I-it's not cause I didn't wana see you, I was kinda.. in a coma of my own so.. unless I could talk to you in my sleep I don't think I would be able to come visit you. ... but I'm here now hehe..!" I kept staring down at my claws on my lap, fidgeting with my fingers nervously. "L-listen em.. even if you can't hear me, I kinda hope you still can kinda hear me, I am here for ya Stols, I'll make sure that once you wake up we'll get ride of your feather duster of a wife and you won't have to deal with her again! If you want I can also maybe move in with you in your fancy shmancy castle so that I'll always stay with you, you know, cause you always want me to stay so.. yea.." my broth hitched slightly as my thoughts started to slowly go wild.

"..I missed you Stols.. I really did.. I-.. I was so worried about you, I thought that.. when you left maybe it was MY fault.. that I did something to drive you away.. to not trust me enough to tell me about what you were going through.. with your deal with Val.. I made sure to get his ass handed to him, pieces.. so you don't have to worry about him anymore" I glanced over to him still laying there showing no signs of getting up.

"Just.. please wake up soon alright? I love ya so much feathers.. I know might not admit it much and I feel like you didn't really believe me or process it when I told you the first time before this whole mess.. and I know you probably aren't hearing this but, I really do love you, with every bit of my broken and messed up self that I have, I love you, and my shitty and fucked up heart will always love you.. and I can't wait to meet the little nuggets too" I finished with a small smile as one of my hands reached over to his stomach were the noticeable bump is and trike it gently. Then came the comfortable silence of just me listening to his breathing.

Suddenly the heart monitor started going crazy and Stolas started jolting around. 'Holy shit is he waking up!??' I thought as I shot up out of my chair. I slammed the door open calling for a nurse to come check him out. Lots of chaos started happening as Igor frantically pushed out of the room and nurses where going in and out of the room. I was getting really worried but knew that I had to wait patiently till a nurse comes to tell us what's going on.

2 hours later.

A nurse finally approached me and Via. "How is he? Is he awake? Are the babies ok? Is the-" "Blitzø" I felt Via's talon on my shoulder so that I calm down. I took a deep breath as I waited in anticipation for the news. "Stolas is..

Cliffhanger! Imma post the next chapter tomorrow just to make u guys wait : P alsoooo cause I'm sleepy af and it's currently 2am, and I gotta wake up at 6 😅

I just want some love.. (Stolitz) (Stolas Angst)Where stories live. Discover now