Chapter 16: True reasons

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I went into the room and carefully closed the door behind me. I stopped in my tracks looking at my dad from the door looking at his poor state. He was laying on the bed, almost life less, mostly covered in bandages. The beeping of the heart monitor was the only thing that you could hear apart from his shallow and low breathing. I took a breathe in and walked closer near dad's bed.

"It's been a month daddy.. I really really miss you.."
(A/N: did you get the meme? Alright let's get to the actual thing 😂)

"Hi dad.. so it's been about a month since you came back.. Blitzø also woke up today, from what Loona said, he immediately thought about you and wanted to see you.. guess you two are more alike than I thought.." I chuckled lightly and a brought a talon over to his arm brushing over his bandages

"you know.. some time before you left, I thought the whole reason why our family was a mess was your fault and.. that mom was right about you.. but now I know that it wasn't you who ruined this family.. you did everything to hold it together.. I should've opened my eyes more when you were around.. maybe I would've noticed how badly she was treating.. maybe I should've listened to you more.. maybe I would've noticed what you were feeling and what you had to go through.. maybe I could've saved you.. I could've helped you.. maybe you wouldn't have-" I stopped as I didn't know how to describe this situation. My head dropped and I stared at the floor in thought 'gotten taken away? Gotten kidnapped? Gotten tortured? Gotten broken to pieces? been put in a coma? ...Almost died..?' I sighed as I looked back up at him still unconscious.

I started stroking my thumb over the arm that I still held. "I missed you dad.. a lot.. I spent many nights trying to find a way to save you, but after mom threatened me that she'll get Val to kill the babies... I just had to rely on Blitzø.. He really did search all of Hell to look for you.. he did so much to find you.. He was so determined to find you, he didn't care who or what he had to destroy to get to you and bring you back alive.. and when he found you he did everything in his power to avenge you.. the things he did to Valentino are... unspeakable.. to bring it shortly, he broke the fucker to pieces, literally... After that he also ended up going into coma for a month.. guess that shows how much he'll do for you, since he literally tore a demon apart for you" I laughed, thinking about how flustered dad would be right know if he knew how much Blitzø did for him. "I guess to put it all straight, or rather not straight at all, he loves you dad.. and I guess I.. wouldn't be too upset if I had 2 dads in the future.. and an older sister too.. " I softly smiled at the thought of having Loona as my big sister "I also know that you love him and that he makes you happy.. and if this is what you want, then I have no right of taking it away from you.. I guess what im trying to say is that I'm ok with you and Blitzø having an open relationship" I smiled to myself.

I opened my mouth to continue talking but got cut off when I heard another voice come after the door was slammed open "How could you be okay with you father sleeping with a FUCKING PLEBEIAN!" My mom screamed at the top of her lungs slamming the door behind her and locking it to stop the nurses that tried to stop her from entering. "What are you doing here!? I thought you would never show your face over here after I explicitly confirmed to you that you and dad will have a divorce once he wakes up!" "Quiet child! Till then I have to stick with this DISGRACEFUL demon as my husband! and all I want to say is WHAT THE FUCK STOLASS!" Stella starts stomping closer to my dad pushing me aside "First I found out that you're really a TRANNY and to make maters worse, you got pregnant with that IMP!??"

I was confused at that statment as I looked at my mom with confusion. "So you're father didn't tell you? He's trans! When we were conceiving you, he used his magic so that I can be able to have you, which is the reason why you are incredibly similar to him rather than me!" i looked at her in disbilief "How do you even know that.." I asked not understanding a single bit of this situation. "Let's just say I wasn't the only one in our family to have slept with him. My brother was also taking him occasionally and much to my dismay he didn't tell me about this information till recently when I found out that Stolas is pregnant" she growled at the thought of it. "Needless to say, once I found out about it I realised why your father can never act like a TRUE man should, it's because he ISN'T ONE!" I felt my blood boil at that as I decided to fight back "Hmm well.. I see an avian, with blueish greyish feathers, a beak, 4 eyes, 2 legs, and 100% man" I said proudly pointing all the facts out. " Oh please, you can't possible say that when your 'father' went off to have ABOMINATIONS with some imp!" I smirked as I responded with "The only abomination here is your face" She glared at me as I saw her bring something out from behind her back "Well, frankly, I don't care what you have to say about me child, I am only here to do one thing, to get rid of these MISTAKES!" She then took out a knife and went straight for his stomach.

Out of reflex I through my hands out and under her arm grabbing her wrist, stopping her arm mid strike. I pulled her arm down to bring her down to my level and forced her to look at me. I glared at her, my eyes piercing through her soul as a dangerous red aura started to be let out in the air. "Now listen here you little bitch. You are going to leave this place and not come back. You WILL stay away from me, my dad, his boyfriend and my soon to be sister, You WILL stay from our lives and our business, and you WILL stay the FUCK away from my siblings!" i spat in her face glaring lasers through her head as I squeezed her wrist tighter and tighter. "Do you understand me?" i held her wrist in place as I yanked her closer "Ow you're hurting me!" She yelped in pain. I held her wrist so tight I could feel boned cracking under my grip. "I SAID do you. understand. me.?" I said again as I looked at her with a glare that could kill. She nodded with tears pricking her eyes confirming that she will listen. I through her wrist out of my grip pushing her away so hard she slams onto the door. She quickly left the room leaving it wide open.

I saw the look on the faces' of the nurses and Blitzø who saw the whole ordeal. Blitzø's face beamed as he yelled "That's my girl!" And I chuckled. "You can come now if you want Blitzø, im done" I said heading towards the door "Are you sure? Your mom kinda interrupted your visit.." he said with slight hesitation "Yea, I mean I said the main things I wanted to say so, you can go in if you want" he gave me a smile and made his way to the door. "Thanks kid" he said as he entered the room closing the door behind him.

End of Chapter 16!! Sooooo guys I have some amazing news!! So some months ago I applied for a song writing workshop where I could work with real music artists and learn more about song writing!! I had to use one of the songs I've written in the application and they only could choose a limited amount of people to be accepted. welllll I GOT ACCEPTED!!! This is incredible for me cause at the end of this workshop I probably can finally start officially publishing my songs!! Because of this I'm going to soon be super busy and preoccupied with other things apart from this book. So I'm going to work really hard on these chapters cause I'm starting my finals AND this workshop on the 31st so I really need to finish this book before then or else it's gonna go on a hiatus till May. So ye probably expect some very uneven and constant updates. Anyways hope you all loved this chapter!! Bye!! 💕💕💕💕💕

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