Chapter 14: Gun Point

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As the house burnt I heard the others run up to me screaming. "What happened, what's wrong!?" I asked them "I-it's Stolas! He's gone!!" "Gone where!??" I then heard laughing coming from near the house. I saw a hidden trap door being slammed shut near the house and I quickly ran to it and down the stairs. I saw Val was holding Stolas about to shoot him. "You little bitch.. you're like a roach! I can NEVER get rid of you can I!?" "Insult me all you want but keep in mind I'm the one holding your prince and his baby, NOT you! Take one more step.." he puts the gun down to Stolas' chest" and I shoot" he said with a smirk.

In that moment.. I wasn't thinking.. I couldn't think.. my mind was so filled with rage that I lost all train of thought in that moment. Nothing logical could be processed anymore.. All Ihad in my mind was Stols.. my precious prince.. my one and only.. my forever.. HIM... and his broken, bloodied, wounded state.. his poor limp body laying there.. his bloodied face.. his usually preened feathers filled with dirt and blood.. but what hurt me the most is to see his poor beautiful face all bruised and broken.. The poor soft, heart shaped face that I yearn so much to hold, to cherish, to kiss and love.. That beautiful face that belonged to my precious prince.. and it was destroyed by the monster that stood before me. Blind to all reason I destroyed him.. I hit him hard and I didn't stop.. his screams.. lovely music to my ears.. those blood scorching screams.. "HAHAHAHHAHA THIS IS WHAT YOU GET YOU BUSTARD! SCREAM! SCREAM AND NEVER STOP!! HOW MANY TIMES HAS STOLAS SCREAMED FOR YOU TO STOP HUH!??? BUT YOU NEVER DID! OH NO YOU DEFINITELY NEVER DID! SO SCREAM! SCREAM YOUR LOUNGS OUT AND THROW UP YOUR TOXIC GUTS WHILE YOU'RE AT IT! JUST DIE! DIE! DIE! DIEEEEEEE!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!" I laughed and took out all of my despair on him.

I laughed and laughed, my mind filled with nothing but blood red.. I was thirsty for blood.. for the torture and pain from this monstrous bastard.. the pain and the agony he expressed was oh so.. delicious... but my eyes showed a different story.. all that came gushing out was hot streams.. tears flowing down my face and onto his bloodied body which is still being beaten. I was psychotic, but only because of what this disgusting disgrace did to the love of my life.. my mind blank, it only yearned to have my prince back.. my stunning, lovable, sweet and gorgeous prince who would never hurt a single fly.. I made sure the bastard felt every once of my fury and pain. I screamed and cried my heart out while his body kept getting bashed, blood splattering onto my face, filled with a mixture of sadness, despair and pure, blind rage.

My voice slowly started to fizzle down as his screams came down to a simple whisper, his vocal cords now strained. I slowly came back to my senses as I took a few steps back looking at what I had done. Valentino's body was almost unrecognisable if his cloths wasn't such a pure giveaway. His face was bashed in bloodied and beat, many bones broken and snapped like twigs, body filled with bruises and hits, most went straight through and blood gushed out, arms completely beaten to bits..literally, guts spilling out his chest, from a huge bash no doubt from being ripped open by my claws, legs pointed in opposite directions, bloodied scratches and bruises littering them and blood splatters all over. I stared at the recked body lying infant of me.

All I did was.. giggle, which soon doubled into a laugh.. I laughed and laughed as I brought a bloody claw to my face gripping at it. I continue to laugh as tears started to spill out. I laughed and laughed and laughed, clutching my chest as I sank to the ground, but those laughs soon turned to sorrowful sobs and screams.

I heard footsteps come down the stairs, but I couldn't recognise them from the ringing in my ears. I felt a claw on my shoulder as I looked up at who it was like a desperate puppy, tears still streaming down my face. "Oh Blitzø.." Mox said as he looked at me with a look of sadness. I broke down again and clung to his leg as I kept crying and mumbling incoherent words. "I'm in pain... I want go home... I want Stols.. I need him... I'm in so much pain..." I cried and cried as I clung to him, rapping my tail around the leg I clung onto. I heard some more foot steps come down and felt myself being picked up. "Come on, we're going home now.. dad.." Loona looked down at my limp body filled with blood splatters. I nuzzled onto her fur yearning to feel Stolas' warm embrace, just like this.



Yeeee there's the plot twist! Alsooo I little surprise for u all.. DOUBLE GANGER! I'm about to post another chapter! This is to make up for me being gone for so long, again i truest apologize but I was extremely busy and like I mean VERY busy, I've as literally staying up till like 3 or 4 am to work on these chapters, they're basically a 2 parter so that's why I wanted to work on them both. But I hope you guys enjoyed it!

I just want some love.. (Stolitz) (Stolas Angst)Where stories live. Discover now