Chapter 18: The News

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"Stolas is currently in critical condition. It seems that he was supposed to give birth around a month ago when he was admitted to the hospital but his body was way too weak to go into labor and deliver the babies. His body is now currently ongoing a fight or flight response to having the eggs in his body for too long and now causing internal damage  to his body as well as some risks for the babies' survival" the nurse explained. I was trying to piece together what she had said from the little fancy terms that I understood "is he going to be ok?" I asked nervously "sadly that is unknown as of now. The doctors are going to do a surgery to remove the eggs in a C section since it seems that his body has not yet recovered enough to deliver on his own. Of course there are some risks in the prince's case because since his body is still so weak this operation may take a tole on his body and so there is a risk that this may be fatal for him"

I sat there my brain spiraling into so many thoughts to what could possibly happen next. "What's the rate that he'll survive" the nurse looked at the clipboard then back at me "from the state he is currently in now it's about a 30% chance, however the doctors have been working hard to try and stimulate his body enough so that it can help the delivery process and make as little strain on his body as possible. If this current procedure goes well, the numbers of his survival rate lean closer towards a 60%" the nurse explained looking between me and the clipboard. I thanked the nurse and she left.

I hunched my back and let my head drop into my hands as I felt the weight of the situation on me. Light tears pricked at the brim of my eyes and I tried to stop them from coming out but a few leaked out and into my claws. I felt a hand on my back and I looked over at Via who sat next to me also with tears in her eyes. "You don't need to push back your feelings you know? You can let them out, at least that's what my dad would definitely want.. I know he isn't here right now but you don't need to hold them back around me either, I'm here for you too.." she said softly to me. I have her a small smile as I let some small tears out a bit. "Thanks kid, I'm also here for you" I said to her now turning to face her fully as I held both of her talons in my claws "you know.. your dad will get through this.. he's strong.. he'll be back with us before you know it, and once he does you'll have 2 new siblings as well" I said to her, the smile on my face growing bigger at the thought.

An hour passed.

That hour turned to 2.

Then those 2 turned into 4.

Before you knew it it has been around 8-9 hours that Stolas was in operation. Via decided to leave after the 2 hour mark. It had gotten late so she left to go sleep. On the other hand I didn't leave. I stayed there mostly half asleep refusing to leave, even if I left to go sleep i wouldn't have been able to either because of nightmares or because of how worried I am. Either way there was nothing or no one to convince me to lea-.

My train of thought got interrupted by the nurse who came out of the operation room and walked up to me with a clipboard in her hand. "Hello Blitzø, regarding the body stimulation it seems to have worked. His body is now healing in a much faster rate and soon will be in great health to handle delivering the eggs. For the case of his eggs, it seems that since he was in a coma the fertilizing process was slowed down as most of his body's strength was directed towards healing. What we before thought was a flight or flight respond was actually just responses of his body to the eggs which seemed about ready to be laid, so we didn't have to extract the eggs ourselves as his body could handle labor on his own" the nurse gave me a smile as she looked up from her clipboard.

I thought for a bit to understand the situation. "Wait does this mean.."I thought out loud "you may enter the room Blitzø" the nurse gestured to the door towards the room. I opened the door and entered "congratulations Blitzø you are now the father of twins!"


Is this a cliffhanger? Eh I'll count it as one! Hope u guys enjoyed these chapters! Life is very all over the place lately so apologies for not updating but i've been bombarded with a bunch of rehearsals, studying and work so I burley have been getting the time have a break for myself. Idk what sleeps is anymore since i haven't been sleeping well and more over I think it's making me sick. I'm still gonna continue with this book tho, there might be times I'll come and post a bunch of chapters at once and a bunch of waiting between the posts. I'll try to be as frequent as possible but idk, I'll just have to try. I'm not sure if I'll manage to finish this book by next week and I don't wish to rush it, so I'll try my best to still post during my finales. Also thank you all so much for the support, this really means a lot to me! I love you all!! 💕💕💕💕

I just want some love.. (Stolitz) (Stolas Angst)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt