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It was unseasonably cool for an early May afternoon in Salt Lake, and Faith zipped her windbreaker as she walked briskly toward the chapel.

She was looking forward to this service project with her youth group. Sick kids held a special place in her heart, so the trip to the cancer ward at Primary Children's Hospital offered an opportunity for bringing a little joy into the lives of kids stuck there during their chemo therapy treatment.

"Hey! Lynn!" she thrust her hand above her head and waved aggressively at the dark-haired girl who was approaching from the opposite direction. Lynn jumped in the air, waving back, and they broke into a run to meet in the middle of the entrance to the church parking lot. Lynn wadded up a shiny wrapper and stuffed it into her front jeans pocket, wiping both hands on her thighs before wrapping her arms around Faith's neck.

"I know we're grabbing pizza afterward, but I was super hungry." She said, pulling away and readjusting the leather bag over her right shoulder. "I skipped lunch so I could study for the test in Burningham's class. How do you think you did?"

Faith rolled her eyes as they turned together toward the parked cars and small gathering assembling at the side of the building. "Hm..pretty good, I guess. All that a+b=c stuff makes no rational sense to me! But I think I'll pass, anyhow. How about you?"

Lynn touched her arm and leaned in close to Faith's ear, "Oh, look," she whispered, "Scott's already here." The corners of her mouth turned up and her dark eyes sparkled.

"Ooo.." Faith giggled, "Lucky you!"

The 13-year-old girls forgot about algebra class as they joined the small crowd standing around the two vehicles parked in the otherwise vacant lot.

"Hi Girls!" Sister Peterson chimed as Faith and Lynn joined the group. "Ok, everyone, I think we're just waiting for a couple more people and then we'll be ready to take off. Why don't we start loading into the cars in preparation?" The slightly plump, older woman turned to a man standing next to a navy blue sedan, and he nodded in agreement, corralling the young men toward his vehicle. Sister Peterson opened the driver's side door and leaned in to press a button before shouting, "Ok, ladies, climb on in!"

The girls tumbled into the back seat and secured their spots. "Did you see that?" Faith asked as they got settled, "Scott was definitely eyeing you! He likes you, he likes you!" She finished in a sing-song kind of voice and Lynn slapped her arm, playfully. "Stop that!" They were still giggling as two other girls got into the car. "Buckle up, everyone!" Sister Peterson encouraged as she backed out of her parking space and waited for the other vehicle, before following it out of the lot and down the street.

Upon arrival at the hospital, the youth leader moved to the back of her car and opened the trunk, "Girls, girls," she started, "Don't forget your gift bags! I confirmed there are 15 kids in there expecting us." The girls rushed to where Sister Peterson was standing, handing out armfuls of brightly colored paper bags. The girls then moved to join the group of boys, who were also collecting their gifts. Walking together to the front entrance of the hospital, Brother Jensen stopped abruptly, placed his finger to his lips, and raised his arm high in the air. The group formed tightly around him and the chatter began to settle. "Ok, everyone. Let's please remember where we are, and mind our manners. There are a lot of really sick people in there who need their rest. So, let's be on our best behavior, got it?" Everyone nodded in agreement and they followed both leaders into the building and toward the elevators, where they waited for the next available lift up.

"You ladies take this one," Brother Jensen said to Sister Peterson when the first elevator arrived and the doors slid open," We'll meet you on the 4th floor, alright?" She nodded and the girls followed her in and turned to face the doors. "Someone press four, please." Faith pressed the button and the doors closed, the jerk of the upward motion causing arms to extend and there was a burst of giggles.

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