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"I've heard legends about a demon world with portals placed strategically throughout our planet used for transportation between our two realms." Ninian said in response to Edward's revelation about the enchantments found within the forest surrounding Mac Paidin Manor.

"But I assumed they were just that, legend. Of course, I, myself, have used teleportation portals situated within certain, ancient spiritually-charged locations. So, I know, first hand, this type of device is possible." He paused, a serious expression crossing his handsome face, "But a demon realm? Connected to our world? And these creatures are your wife's family?" His eyes opened wide and he pressed his lips together tightly. "That, my friend, is terrifying." Ninian shook his head back and forth in dismay.

"Yes," Edward replied, "and to think that my young, 12-year-old son may have been innocently lured into one has me at my wits end. I don't even begin to know how to get him back, if that's what has happened. And since he has been gone several hours now, left in his stocking feet, and it's almost dark out. Well, Ninian, I'm truly frightened."

The two men were still chatting in hushed tones when the front bell rang again and Arthur knocked on the library doors before entering. Ardal Flanagan was right behind him, followed by a group of 10 or 12 other men.

"Ninian!" Ardal rushed forward and greeted the man.

"Ok, no time for pleasantries, Gents. It's nearly dark out there and we have a young boy who needs our help!" Ardal waved all of the others into the room and they gathered around to listen to Edward.

"Thank you for coming, men. Here's the gist of things. My 12-year-old son, Ross, dashed out of the house earlier today. He was emotionally distraught after his two older sisters stormed out, leaving the family for good. Because of this, when he left, he was only in his stocking feet. Highly unusual behavior for him. Ross is normally a very responsible young man. Anyhow, Arthur here, our butler, pursued him in an automobile and watched as Ross dashed off into the trees at the edge of my property. This would be bad enough, on it's own, but there are more distressing factors."

Edward paused, looking at Ninian, then Ardal, before continuing.

"Those woods are enchanted." He stopped as murmurs broke out in the crowd. "And it's not just any kind of enchantment. The spells were cast by members of my wife, Lady Lydia's family...who happen to be demons from a magical realm called Blarjord." The chatter increased and Ardal raised his hands to quiet them.

"This has never been an issue over the course of our entire marriage because Lydia placed protection spells around the mansion and the surrounding forest preventing any kind of engagement. But now that my wife is gone, and I have no idea where she is or how to get her back..." He inhaled deeply, expanding his chest, then released the breath slowly. "Well, I've been negligent and frankly, hadn't even considered that there might be a problem. It's been so long now since we even had to think about it. And the children have never even spent much time in those woods. But now...with Lydia missing. I'm just fearful what might have transpired out there with Ross today."

Ardal jumped in "Ok, Gents. That's the gist of things. Everyone has their flashlights, yes?" He asked, and every man in the group raised their handhelds to confirm. "Then I think we best be off. But before we go, Ninian here is going to place a protection spell on all of us." Everyone turned their attention to the shaman at the front of the room.

Ninian nodded and bowed his head, reaching into the brown leather pouch at his waist. Withdrawing several gray stone pendants on leather cords, he held them out to the group. "I have etched a talisman of protection onto each of these pendants. Please place one around your neck and do not remove it for the duration of our search activities."

Each man retrieved a pendant and placed it over his head. Then the shaman retrieved a small suede pouch and pulled the drawstring. Reaching inside he withdrew a healthy pinch of sparkling yellow powder and flung it over their heads, uttering a string of commands. With a dip of his head, Ninian signified the protection spell had been cast and was in effect.

Ardal spoke next, "We'll travel in vehicles ter de edge o' de forest then git out an form a single line, walking shoulder-ter-shoulder. Our intention will be ter cover de width o' de section where Arthur saw Ross enter de woods. In this fashion, hopefully, we'll cover de entire treed area till we recover de lad." Ardal paused, rolling his lips together. "Er if we don't recover de lad, we'll want ter report back any indication of a struggle, er evidence of any supernatural activity. Arthur?" He turned to the Mac Paidin family butler, "You be havin' that piece o' Ross's clothing fer de dogs ter catch de scent?" Arthur nodded and lifted a brown wool sweater high above his head. "Yes, sir. Here it is." He walked through the crowd to hand it to the older gentleman.

"Thank ye."

Ardal took the sweater, then turned his attention to a scruffy younger man in a red cap and tan leather coat at the back of the room. He was leaning against the open library doorway holding several leashes in his hand. "Orson, ye'll follow wit de dogs?" he asked, and after accepting a nod in acknowledgment, he turned to address the group once more. "We'll meet back here when de search is through. Best o' luck ter all o' ye."

Edward nodded, pulled on his coat, and the group left together, piling into vehicles to make their way to the edge of the enchanted forest.

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