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Ross stood at the single window in his hut and watched the thee suns of Dyrrheim set behind the purple mountain range. His gazing was interrupted when he heard a conversation in the hallway behind him and turned to find Gundar walking through the door carrying Ross's evening meal.

"We'll have to be quick," he urged Ross, "I told the guard that Boss Lady requires his assistance. But it won't be long before he discovers it was a ruse." Gundar set the tray on the foot of Ross's bed and began unbuttoning his shirt. Beneath he was wearing a thick woolen sweater which he pulled off over his head and handed to Ross. "Here, put this on!" He urged as he stripped off his pants and removed a thick pair of warm winter leggings. "These, too. Be fast!" He glanced behind him toward the door as he was, himself, pulling his outer clothing back on.

Ross dressed rapidly "Thank you." He said as he watched Gundar pick the tray back up and turn for the door. "Are you ready? Stay right behind me."

"Ok." Ross replied, crouching behind Gundar, who was several inches shorter and quite a bit thinner than Ross.

"I know I don't need to state the obvious, but your skin color makes you stand out like a sore thumb here. I included a head covering with scarf that will help with camouflage, but we have to get to the pouch I hid for you, first."

Ross nodded and slunk down low.

"We're going to stay close to the buildings and get away from foot-traffic as quickly as possible. Just follow my lead." Gundar peeked out the doorway then used hand motions behind him to signal to Ross when it was clear to move and when to stay put. They had just exited the main doorway and were edging around the corner of the building when a gravelly voice called out.

"Hey, Gundar. What're you playing at?"

"Get around the corner there, quick!" Gundar shoved Ross around the corner of the building where he cowered in the shadows of the communal building.

Gundar waved to the muscle-bound guard who was heading toward him several hundred feet down the path.

"Oh, hey! That was quick!" He yelled, waving in the guard's direction. "Hold on a minute, I was just going to relieve myself." And he danced from one foot to the other, then pointed to the woods behind the huts.

"Hey, hold on a minute. Boss Lady didn't need me. What kind of fool do you think I am?" The hulking male began lumbering toward Gundar and he dashed around the corner and grabbed Ross by the arm.

"Come ON!" He hissed, and together they ran into the woods.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch!" Ross winced under his breath as his bare feet struck rocks and pine cones, and other sharp objects that jabbed into his tender flesh.

"It's not far. There's a small cave over here...I use it for a hut sometimes. Come on!"

The suns had fully set now and it was dark in the forest among the trees. They had been running for only a couple of minutes before a loud ROAR! erupted from the jail behind them.

"Oh, no. Alright, he's discovered you're missing. It won't be long now...right around the corner here..."

Gundar dove over a small hill and down into a crevasse. Just on the other side he turned abruptly and quickly pulled aside some tree branches to reveal a small cave.

"Quick! Get inside! The pouch with some provisions is in there toward the back of the cave. I can't stay with you. They'll know I helped you escape. As it is, I'll be lucky to get away with my hide intact! Good luck, my friend!"

Gundar slapped Ross on the shoulder, then exited the cave, replaced the tree branches to cover the opening, then dashed away in the opposite direction.

Ross moved as far back in the cave as he could and huddled down close to the ground. It was nearly pitch dark in there. Just a small smattering of moonlight peeked through the leaves on the branches as he assessed his surroundings. The smell of cool earth filled his nostrils and he felt around blindly in the soil searching for the pouch Gundar left him. He discovered that the cave bent around to the right as he crawled toward the back and then the space opened up a little more. Finally, he reached the back of the enclosure and his hands bumped into a cloth mound. Fumbling around with the straps wrapped around the thing, he reached inside and could feel the waxy stub of a candle and surprisingly, a small box of matches. Ross stopped moving and listened intently for a long moment before choosing to risk striking a light. He did so, and the small flame illuminated the space. Sure enough, Gundar had done a good job of turning the cave into a little hut. Ross touched the fire to the candle stub then blew the match out. Glancing around, he saw a small hollow in the rock wall where an iron candle holder sat waiting. There was already a fat candle on the stand, so Ross used his stub to light the larger candle, then blew out the one in his hand. Immediately he noticed a shabby piece of brown cloth had been attached to the top of the cave where it turned, offering the option to close off that part of the space for privacy.

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