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Inez Mac Paidin watched as her mentor emerged from the ethereal mist and the shimmering portal dissipated. The spindly woman tossed ebony hair over her shoulder, then lifting a hand, brushed wispy strands away from her alabaster face.

"It's done, then." Magda, spoke in a raspy tone. "Your great grandmother agrees. You should be there when the slaughter takes place." Inez gazed at the apparition, mouth gaping. " Close your mouth, girl." Magda's voice was sharp. Harsh. "It's imperative Ross witnesses your participation in his rescue from that place." She blinked slowly and waved her hand in the air. "As his older sister, you have his trust in a way no one else could engender."

Inez clamped her lips shut tightly and shrugged a shoulder. "True, he does kind of worship the ground I walk on," she cooed. "Though I'm sure he's angry that Clara and I left him alone, holding the bag, where Father is concerned." She gazed at her teacher as the woman strode across the dim cavern.

Their training, these past twelve years, had taken place deep inside the earth, below what is known as The Fairy Castle - an ancient ruin of the Bronze age. The passage tomb, as it was known, lay below the surface, and was one of many Neolithic Tombs scattered throughout the area. Marked by a large collection of rocks forming a kind of pyramid, the tomb underneath had a height of about 3 meters, and some of the original circle of stones were thought to still be in position. Sacred spiritual energy was said to abound in such a place.

"That may be," Magda began, "but he'll get over it once he understands the power we are offering him." She stopped in front of a small fountain, running her crimson finger tips through the water spout. "It's time he grows up. He has been coddled and protected from the ways of the world far too long," the sorceress continued. "And since he is heir to your father's title and abilities, and all they entail," she glanced at her apprentice, a dark shadow spreading across her face, "it's important we do all we can to help him understand the significance of joining our cause." Her thin lips curved up into a small grin at one corner of her mouth.

"Your unexpected presence in Blarjord, and role in facilitating his rescue, will go a long way toward convincing him of the truth of our objective. After all, we weren't the ones who decided to allow angels to mingle their seed with mortals, you know?"

Magda dipped her chin and raised both brows high on her forehead.

"That was HIS decision. And it's HIS fault those corrupted beings exist at all." She wiped her fingers on her skirt and turned to face Inez. "HE could have prevented it." She shook her head slowly back and forth. "Why HE even made it possible for divine beings to mate with humans is beyond me." She exhaled loudly and pursed her lips. "But as long as the plan incorporates those kinds of loopholes, then we're free to take advantage of any details and use them to leverage our position."

"What are you saying?" Inez squinted at her teacher. "Are you telling me that those muscle-bound, green monstrosities are somehow related to the angels?"

"Don't you know your history, Girl?" Magda jutted her chin out. "Of course they are. It says it right there in 'the good book' - The Nephilim - which means giants or fallen angels - mated with the daughters of man. And that resulted in all kinds of creatures possessing many different powers and characteristics. 

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