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"That brother of yours is a slippery one, Inez" Valdis was pacing back and forth in front of the dragon master's den. She watched, from a distance, as the court medicine man applied a poultice to her dragon, Malgor's, ankle and wrapped it with strips of gauze.

"Those annoying Air Warriors damaged my prize dragon, and they are going to pay dearly for that."

She walked over and stroked the beast's enormous ebony scaled head. His sage-green reptilian eyes blinked vertically in response, and he groaned in pain.

Valdis walked to where her pet lay sprawled out on the cool stone floor of the lowest level of The Dod.

"There, there, my pet." Valdis cooed. Taking his head in both her spindly hands, she laid her cheek against his snout and patted his powerful jaw.

"You'll feel better soon. And then we'll make those sons of God pay for what they've done to you."

She turned to her great-grand daughter, who was removing the indigo-black metal breast plate from her suit of armor. Valdis watched as Inez pulled her left arm out, then grasping the opening with her right arm, she slipped the bulky thing off. It took two strong hands to lift the thing, and she laid it on a rock outcropping inside the dark cave.

A cool breeze accompanied the stream of water cascading under the cavern. Its source was the Black Death Sea lying to the west, just beyond the cave's opening. And Inez basked in the sensation of sweat evaporating off her pasty skin. She still wore the heavy steel chain mail, and thin under shirt required to protect her body from damage during raids, such as the one she and their small band of rebels had just engaged in.

She raked her fingers through long strands of hair saturated with sweat, scratching her scalp aggressively, as she observed the touching display of affection before her.

"He shouldn't have been harmed, Grandmother" she mumbled under her breath. "Ross shouldn't have escaped our grasp."

"You can't blame him," the ancient woman replied, "he didn't know old GramWald would send her big, green thugs to kidnap him." Valdis moved away from Malgor to sit next to her great-grand daughter. Reaching under her cape, to the bag secured at her waist, she withdrew a small leather flask and pulled its stopper. First, lifting the black veil away from her mouth, she raised it to her lips and swallowed hungrily. Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, a red stain residue remained, visible to Inez, who was watching with interest.

"You want some?" Valdis passed the flask to Inez, who paused, staring down at the container. When Inez still hadn't accepted the offer, Valdis withdrew the flask, stopped it shut, then tucked it back into her waist pouch.

"Just as I suspected." She spat. "You still are not fully adapted to our way of existing."

Inez lowered her eyes in shame, her long black lashes visibly brushing her alabaster cheeks.

"I'm sorry, Grandmother." Inez shook her head back and forth. "I'm holding out for a better form of immortality."

"Pha!" The older woman hissed, "Do you believe you will ever attain the eternal blessing that comes with The Power of Three?"

Inez lifted her chin and considered.

"The Dark Cabal is powerful." She began. "And I am yet young. If we can harness that rare ability..." she trailed off.

"I know the sacred gift of immortality, as has been bestowed upon our brothers and sisters in the City of Angels, is withheld from us."

Inez sighed, standing to walk down the rocky bank to the edge of the black waters. She squatted down and dipped her hand into the cool flow, lifting a handful to her mouth. She sucked from the liquid and was refreshed.

"As those who descend from The One Who Rebelled, we are destined for a short life, followed by a lengthy eternity of misery and pain. I know that."

She stood again and walked back to stand before her great-grandmother.

"True, you and those of your clan, have figured out another way to extend life. And postpone everlasting pain. I understand that, Grandmother. Truly I do. And I am grateful for your sacrifice." She knelt down at the older woman's feet.

"But I have to hold out for something more. Something better. And I know that it's possible...with The Power of Three."

"And that's why I've agreed to help you, Grand-Daughter." Valdis stood and grabbed Inez by both arms. "Magda told me of your suspicions long before your mother went missing." She released her hold and turned back to gaze upon her magnificent beast.

"I don't necessarily believe, in the way that you do...I've had too many centuries of experience with The Dieties. Still, I'm aware the possibility exists. It is rare, mind you, but I know you are correct in that, all the required pieces are in place; the three of you children issue forth from parents who are each descendants of a royal demonic family and a royal angelic family. Now, all that remains to be seen is whether each of you three children possess the necessary components of Arcane, Mental, and Elemental magic to perform the ritual."

"I value your trust more than you know, Grandmother." Inez replied. "We do know that Clara possesses and Arcane gift, while I am clearly of the Elemental persuasion. All that has yet to be determined is whether Ross's abilities will reflect Mentalist capacity. And the magical trifecta will be within our reach."

"Yes, well, there is that. But," Valdis rolled her eyes and sat down again on the stone outcropping. "there is also the not so trivial matter of whether Ross is willing to play ball. And," she dipped her chin toward Inez, "based on his recent resistant behavior, my guess is that he is not going to go along with the plan."

Inez threw her hand in the air. "Stupid kid!" She shrieked. "He's too young, and too naive to understand the long-term implications of his choices." She strode across the black moonstone of the cave, the steel plate on her feet creating a dull clinking sound with every step.

"Regardless, we need to hold him captive until we are able to determine whether or not he possesses the Mental gift. If he does, then, even if we have to compel him to perform, we CAN invoke The Power of Three. And in that way, we will attain immortality, without the need to suck blood or take life."

Inez beamed at her great-grandmother. "This plan will work, if we can put all the pieces in play. And I believe we have a very good shot at making it happen. Not only will we attain personal immortality, but we can also achieve world domination by offering certain world leaders and influencers the opportunity to extend their lives indefinitely. I fervently believe it is worth the risk."

Valdis blinked slowly and tipped her head.

"I'm with you. Even though it is too late for me. My bloody destiny has already been cast. But I would feel gratified if I were able to help my grand-children attain immortality and world power while also avoiding the need to consume human blood in order to extend their lifespan."

Inez reached out and put an arm around her great-grandmother's shoulders.

"I'm sorry you've had to endure such a revolting lifestyle in order to survive long enough to see this vision brought to fruition, Grandmother. But the dream is now just beyond our grasp. All we need to do is convince Ross to play along."

Valdis laid her forehead against Inez's shoulder.

"Yes, well, that one, little, all-important piece will prove to be either our failure or success. The balance lies with Ross. And I don't see him going along with the program. Not willingly, anyhow."

"Agreed." Inez bit her lower lip. "So, what choice does that leave us?"

"Well," Valdis inhaled deeply, "if he won't play willingly, we have no choice but to take him by force. And like I said before, he's a mighty slippery one." 

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