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Faith opened her minds eye and was delighted to find herself, in the gown, bejeweled heels adorned her feet, and a delicate crown sat upon her head. She was swirling around in the middle of an enormous and ornate ballroom. Her dance partner was handsome, perhaps 20 years old, with short, dark hair. He wore a well-groomed mustache, and a trim beard framed his chiseled jawline. His elegant attire featured a white double-breasted jacket with a red fabric banner draped across his chest from right shoulder to left hip, and navy blue trousers. Many ribbons and medals were pinned on his chest. And he was gazing down into her eyes, adoringly. Glancing around the ballroom, Faith could see they shared the dance floor with many other exquisitely dressed couples. The ceiling , high above them, was domed and gilded in gold and there were enormous paintings and tapestries displayed prominently on the walls. The two-story tall windows were hung with heavy red draperies pulled back with golden tasseled ties.

The memory only lasted a minute before Faith was returned to the present, seated next to Groa in Vittajord.

"Wow...that was amazing!" Faith exclaimed under her breath. "That was an actual memory from one of my past lives?" She gazed up into her cousin's face.

"Whatever you saw, I'm sure it was from one of your previous life experiences, yes. We can explore all of that in greater detail later. But for now, know that you are drawn, or attracted to certain objects for a reason. Their energy "calls" to you, and when that happens, it's important you not ignore the prompting."

"So," Groa stood and smoothed the front of her cream-colored slacks. "Would you like to have a look around? I can give you the $2.00 tour so you can make a better informed decision about whether you'd like to live here, for a time, or not." She held her hand out to help Faith up.

"I would love that!" Faith replied, taking Groa's hand and standing. "But, what about my mother?" She paused. "I mean, she thinks I'm down the hall in my bedroom. She's expecting me to go out and model the gown for her. She'll freak out if I'm just suddenly missing."

"Hmm..." Groa tipped her head to the side. "You do make a good point." She shook her head and waved her hand in the air. "No worries, Faith. I'll make a slight adjustment in the timeline. She'll never know you were gone."

"You can do that?" Faith shook her head slowly from side to side. "This whole experience is just so amazing! Then, sure! Let's go!" She said, and together they exited the room.

"First things first," Groa said as they strolled down an expansive hallway decorated in shades of blue, gray, and gold. The space reminded Faith of the past-life memory she just experienced, thinking this building must also be a palace or mansion of some kind. There were similar incredible painted portraits of royals, and finely woven tapestries depicting outdoor scenes with happy people frolicking, or warriors on the battlefield, or other mansions of the area decorated the walls. Faith tried to study each as they passed, but they clearly didn't have time for that at the moment.

"I want to take you to meet our Healers. One of them will be selected for you, based on the energetic resonance between you. You don't need to worry about that right now. But it will be good for you to meet the advisors, spend a little time in their training environment, and acclimate to the culture.

Groa turned to the right into a large, open room where Faith could see, what appeared to be, several shimmering portals hovering in mid air at designated locations. In front of each portal stood a waist-high panel secured to the top of a brass pedestal. Groa walked to the portal at the far end of the room and raised her hand above the panel.

"When you place your hand on this panel the portal will transport you directly to the Healers Training Academy. Let's do it together." Groa looked at Faith and raised her brows high on her forehead. "Ready?" She asked, and Faith nodded as together they placed their palms on the surface. Immediately they vanished from the room.

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