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Faith lifted a hand and stroked the luminous white feathers protruding from her back.

Wings? How could I have wings sticking out of my shoulders?

The feathers were soft to the touch and abundant. She pushed and pulled them gently and noticed a sharp pain emanating from the middle of her back.

Ouch! That can't be good.

The tops of the wings raised up high above her head, and when she turned to the right, and looked down behind her, she could see that the tips almost grazed the floor.

She did notice one familiar thing in the reflection before her, though. The dress. She was still wearing that gown Aunt Dot had given her. But here, in this environment, it sparkled more brightly than it had back home in her bedroom.

And now, there was a dainty, golden tiara nestled into the curls on top of her head. She reached up and removed it from her hair, examining the circlet closely. The design featured lots of fancy leaves, and little flowers with diamonds in the center. The arrangement came to an apex in the center front of the crown, where it was resting on her forehead.

What in the world? And speaking of the world...where am I?

She glanced around the room, noticing that the space appeared palatial. The furnishings around her shimmered in shades of white, ivory, blush pink, and gold.

Raising up off of the small cushioned chair, Faith tried to take a step behind her, but tripped when the bulky wings got in her way. They snagged on the back of the seat, and she stumbled three steps backward, turning the chair over on its side, and making a loud racket in the process.

Oh my gosh!

Recovering her balance, she bent over and lifted the chair up off the floor, setting it aright.

These wings are a real pain in the butt.

She stood upright, dragging the wings behind her, and was moving toward the door when suddenly it burst open and a beautiful woman entered.

"Faith!" The woman embraced her and Faith scrunched her brows together, gingerly patting the intruder on the back in an awkward hug.

" I know you?" Faith squeaked, stepping back and stumbling again on her uncomfortable new appendages.

"Ugh! These things are really annoying!" She elbowed the wings forcefully with both arms, flashing teeth and wrinkling her nose.

"Oh, let me help you with those." The woman waved a hand in Faith's direction, closing her eyes briefly, and the wings were gone.

"Wow." Faith's eyes flew open wide. "How'd you do that?" She asked, wiggling her shoulders, and wiping her forehead. The tiara shifted on her head, and she quickly shot a hand up to balance it.

"What is all of this?" Faith asked, throwing her hands in the air and dipping her head in the woman's direction.

"The answer to that question is rather long and complicated," the woman began, "For now, let's just say that I was notified of your imminent arrival, and wanted to come greet you and make you feel welcome."

The golden-haired woman stepped behind Faith and gently caressed the spot on her back where the wings had been, smoothing the folds of the gown into place.

"Allow me to introduce myself," she continued, moving around again to face the teenager. "My name is Princess Groa of the family Hulder. You can just call me Groa. I'm your cousin...far removed."

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