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Seanisy drove his 1929 Nash Coupe up the drive at Mac Paidin Manor and pulled to the side of the road where the wooded area of the property began. Arthur was already sitting in one of the black Mac Paidin Mercedes sedans, with Sir Edward Mac Paidin seated, alone, in the back.

As soon as Seanisy arrived, Arthur exited the driver's side door, walked around the back, and opened the passenger side of the vehicle. Sir Edward Mac Paidin, dressed in knee-high brown leather walking boots, hounds-tooth breeches, a brown woolen jacket, and a newsboy-style cap exited the car and walked with his driver to meet the sorcerer.

Seanisy opened the driver's side door, and walked around, to open the passenger's side, offering a hand to the woman who arrived with him.

Exiting the vehicle, the two walked to meet their host.

"Sir Edward," Seanisy began, "May I introduce the most venerable Mistress Idona, an angel from the land of Vittajord, a realm within the world of Dyrrheim."

The shrouded woman extended a black-gloved hand, bejeweled with a single, impressively-sized diamond ring, for the gentleman to kiss.

Sir Edward, taking the woman's hand, bent down in greeting, but did not kiss the ring.

"Mistress," Edward addressed her, "I welcome you to my lands, and thank you for assisting me in the recovery of my son, Roswell, who has gone missing, presumably, to the world from whence you originate."

Idona withdrew her hand, and used it to lift the substantial black-hooded cape, which had been covering her head and obscuring her face.

"Sir Edward," she cooed in a sultry voice. "It is my pleasure to be of service. Shall we?" And she extended her hand toward the enchanted forest.

"Yes, let's." He also extended a hand, and together they approached the misty woods.

Idona was prepared for the trek, dressed in knee-high, glossy black boots with solid, flat heels, and loose culottes that fell just below her knees. After the four trudged through the woods, arriving at the stone structure destination where Ross went missing, the angelic vagabond paused, placing a hand atop the formation. The other members of the assemblage stood in silence, observing her behavior. Removing the glove from her unadorned hand, she placed her bare skin on the stone surface and closed her eyes.

"Yes," she began, "this structure has been used as a portal to Blarjord." She said, lifting her head and looking directly at Edward.

"I could activate it and escort you through, if you'd like." She paused, lowering her dark hood and revealing her glowing skin, ashen hair, and cerulean lips.

"Though, I can't promise where we'd come out on the other side." She said, dipping her chin. "There are many treacherous destinations within Blarjord. Even within the boundaries of Vittajord, to be concerned about. There is no way to per-determine where we might land." She withdrew her hand and replaced the glove. "I suggest the prudent course of action would be to assemble a skilled team of combatants trained for engagement and battle, if necessary. I would make myself available to open the portal for you, at the time when you are fully prepared." She stared, in silence, at Sir Edward.

Edward inhaled deeply. Then he released the breath, slowly and loudly.

"I understand the wisdom of your recommendation, Lady." He began, "But what you ask would take time to organize. And my 12-year-old-son has already been stuck in that other realm for, "He looked down at his watch. "More than 48-hours now. Who knows what might have happened to him in that time?" He stared back at her and there was silence for a long moment.

"I, myself, am a magic-worker, with certain gifts and abilities at my disposal." Edward continued. "Arthur, my man-servant," he gestured toward the young butler, "is not untrained in the use of weapons and hand-to-hand combat." Edward looked to Seanisy, "Our sorcerer friend, here, is also accomplished in spell-craft and the art of deception. And what skills might you bring to play, were I to pay you handsomely for your services?" He asked, raising his brows at the woman.

"I, kind Sir," Idona began, "have not committed to any service, other than providing a source for opening the portal and providing access between our two worlds." She paused, glancing at the others hovering around the portal.

"However," she continued, "if you were to retain my services for other purposes, you should know that I am a gifted healer, and I also possess fighting abilities aligned with the powers of light." She finished, and stood silent, waiting.

Edward removed his hat and rubbed his forehead. "If I felt we had more time," he began, "I would recruit a team of allies to accompany us through the portal and into your world." He said, dipping his head to the side. "But I don't feel we have the gift of time on our side." He shook his head back and forth. "Ross has already been gone so long. I fear for what he may be enduring." He squatted down and gazed into the stone structure, picking up a handful of loose dirt and leaves. He then stood, and tossed the debris off into the woods. "I just don't think I can afford to wait." He looked at the others. "Are you willing to accompany me into this foreign world to retrieve my son?" He asked, and the others exchanged looks.

"At the very least, we should have some provisions, Sir." Arthur offered. "Allow me to dash back to the manor and put together a bag of food and supplies that will likely come in handy during such an expedition. I can be quick...maybe 15 minutes. And with those provisions in hand, I, Sir, will gladly accompany you to the ends of the Earth."

"Agreed," said Seanisy. "I keep some wizarding supplies and other materials in my vehicle. I can grab those. But what about weapons? Don't you think we should be armed for the possibility of a fight?"

Edward nodded in agreement. "Yes. Arthur, you should select some weapons to carry with us. The lady and I will wait here while you two gather supplies, then meet us back here as soon as possible. Hopefully, we will be ready to leave within the hour."

The others in the group nodded and they headed back to their vehicles, making their way to the mansion.

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