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There was no erasing the smile on my face as I watched her gawk around the room. Romance wasn't exactly my forte, Gwen would've attested to that, but I'd pulled out as many stops as I could think of tonight. Everything Mike had said struck me. Like a 2x4 to the face. He was one hundred percent right. I made it back alive when a good number of my men didn't. I was not only doing myself a disservice, but them as well, acting like I didn't feel this magnetic pull between us. Acting like I wasn't here, able to live a life that they couldn't. And I was so very tired of not feeling alive. And this girl... she was like jumper cables to the heart.

Maddie blinked, her eyes roaming every inch of the table Miranda had help me set. "What is all of this?" she asked so softly even the faint sound of the air conditioning almost drowned her out.

"This..." I began, clearing my throat, "this is me telling you that you were right. That I was scared for stupid reasons and that... maybe I've located my balls, like you suggested."

Madeline let out a bright chorus of laughter as she met my gaze. Her eyes shone, like diamonds under the sun. "Oh yeah? Where were they?"

"That's top secret information, ma'am. I cannot divulge it at this time." Madeline just giggled and I watched a pink flush creep over her cheeks. "I know I've been sending incredibly mixed signals, but they were just as scrambled in my brain, I promise. I wasn't trying to play games with you. I wasn't trying to hurt you."

Madeline pursed her glossy lips into an understanding smile and laid her hand atop mine. She'd gotten her nails done since she spent the night picking at them in my car. They were now long and bright red and yet another item to add to the Sexy Things About Madeline list. "I know."

I turned my palm toward hers and closed my fingers around her soft hand. "I want to try, Maddie. I want to get to know you, and see what all this is. Cuz... you knocked me on my ass that night and I don't think I've been standing straight up since."

She gave me a blinding smile and squeezed my hand. "I haven't been either."

I smirked as I brought her hand to my lips, brushing them across her knuckles. "At least I'm not alone."

"What made you change your mind?" Madeline asked, her head cocked to the side while she gazed at me.

I smirked back and gave my head a wave. "The fact that I can't get you out of my head. And Mike might've lit a fire or two."

Madeline narrowed her eyes, smiling still shining. "Guess I should be thanking Mike then."

"I woulda gotten there eventually," I insisted, twisting my face into a fake scowl.

"You sure were taking your sweat ass time."

A low laugh reverberated in my chest. "Maybe you're just impatient."

Madeline pursed her lips a bit and nodded. "Checks out, but only when I know what I want."

My heart rate kicked up a bit, watching her sit back and cross one silky smooth skinned leg wrap around the other. It was like my own Basic Instinct moment. Except this girl was infinitely hotter than I'd ever found Sharon Stone. I rolled my tongue over my cheek, one hand stroking my chin as I tried to remind my dick that it needed to control himself. No matter how fantasy-inducing the girl in front of us was.

"And what is it you want?" I asked, my voice a clouded with desire. This woman lit a fire within me unlike anything I'd ever felt. Probably at least part of the reason I'd been so hesitant. This feeling was new and different and terrifying. Invigorating, but also fucking terrifying.

Madeline tried to temper her grin as she responded, her mind obviously in the same place mine was. And that was a dangerous fucking place for both of our heads to be. "I haven't quite decided yet," she responded, dragging the tip of her tongue along her bottom lip. "We could start with food."

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