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I blinked after Grant stomping toward his car, stunned by the coldness that he'd just showered over me. We hadn't even spoken since we made out on my front porch and now...

"What the fuck did I do?" I asked to no one other than myself.


I jumped, startled, and turned to find Mike, or who I assumed was Mike, walking toward me. "Snyder just pissed him off," he continued. "It's not you."

"Why did I just get my head ripped off then?" I asked, trying to ignore the sting Grant's gruffness had left behind.

"Grant... has some anger issues."

"No shit," I responded with a scoff. I heaved a sigh and shook my head. "Welp. Not how I wanted to start my day, but oh well."

"Give him a bit. He'll call pleading for forgiveness soon."

I just shrugged and smiled up at him. "Too bad I have to work."

Mike gave me a smile and squeezed my shoulder. "Come on. Let's go get your paperwork done and when Miranda gets in, I'll set you up with her."

"Sounds great."

But just as Mike was about to lead me to the office, Snyder walked toward us. He barely made eye contact with me as he stopped in front of us. "Since our little meeting got cancelled, I'm gonna head out," he stated, barely sparing me a glance.

"You need to apologize," Mike stated. "You were being a real prick."

Snyder rolled his eyes. "He's just being sensitive."

"No. You were being an asshole, Snyder," Mike argued, "and you know it."

"Whatever." Snyder rolled his eyes and stepped to the side of Mike, heading for the door.

"Hey Snyder," I called out.

He turned back; his eyes narrowed. "What?"

"I don't care if you like me or not, but all your bullshit is going to do is push away your best friend," I stated. "Call me a whore, think I'm using him, do whatever you want. I can't change your mind when its already made up. But I wouldn't think a girl is worth ruining a thirty-some year friendship over."

"You don't know what you're talking about."

I shrugged. "Maybe I don't, but you also wouldn't be the first closed minded prick I've encountered in my life." His lip raised in a bit of a snarl before he whirled back toward the exit and left. "Have a nice day!"

Mike shook his head and chuckled next to me. "I like you."

"Glad someone does," I said with a sad sounding chuckle.

"Don't worry about Snyder. He'll get over it." I gave him a look of disbelief. "Or... Grant will knock his teeth down his throat."

"That seems more likely," I laughed as we headed toward the office. "Is his name actually Snyder? That's kind of a shitty first name. I get why he's pissy."

Mike laughed again and shook his head. "It's his last name. His first name is Mike, too, so you see the issue. Plus... military. Most people end up getting called their last name or rank."

"Did they call Grant 'Devereaux?' That seems like a mouthful."

Mike chuckled and opened the office door for me. "Nah, it was Dev or Grant. Then Captain. Hell, most people in high school called him Dev."

"Were you in the military with them?"

Mike shook his head and motioned for me to sit in a chair near the desk. "No. I've known Grant my whole life. Snyder just the last ten years or so. He was struggling when he left so Grant kind of brought him in here to help with the transition and now... he's married to his sister."

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